Urticaria (Hives) Deliverance Prayer


Courts of Heaven Prayer against Urticaria (hives)

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Keys to receiving this prayer and using authority in it:

  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has Urticaria (hives).
  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has experienced or is experiencing any of the signs and symptoms mentioned in this recording (listed under “court case”).
  • Pray in tongues while listening to prayer.
  • Follow up with communion


Deliverance is a lifestyle and NOT a one time event.



  • being prone to having urticaria (hives) because we’re female
  • being prone to having urticaria (hives) because it’s genetic
  • having urticaria (hives)
  • having a skin rash with red itchy bumps
  • having pink-red bumps and/or patches on our skin
  • having red swollen hives
  • having hives that lasts for hours
  • our body releasing histamine that causes us to have hives
  • having an allergic reaction
  • our skin having an allergic reaction
  • having an allergic reaction due to exposure to allergens
  • having an allergic reaction due to exposure to certain perfumes and/or detergents
  • having an allergic reaction due to exposure to menthol-especially in perfumes, candy, and/or cigarettes
  • having an allergic reaction to emotional stress
  • having an allergic reaction due to taking certain medications-especially pain medications, aspirin, antipyrine or phenacetin medications (pain medications), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), phenobarbital or chloral hydrate (sedatives), chlorpromazine or meprobamate (tranquilizers), antifungals, morphine, penicillin, pilocarpine (glaucoma medication), procaine or novacaine (anesthetic), quinine (malaria medication), reserpine (heart medication), thiamine hydrochloride (cough medication), barbiturates, and/or tranquilizers
  • having an allergic reaction due to exposure to iodines in antiseptics and dyes
  • having an allergic reaction due to exposure to certain cosmetics
  • having an allergic reaction due to exposure to liver extracts
  • having an allergic reaction due to exposure to fluoride-especially in our toothpaste, in our dental products, and/or in our fluorinated drinking water
  • having an allergic reaction due to exposure to mercury-especially in our dental fillings
  • having an allergic reaction due to exposure to salicylic acid
  • having an allergic reaction due to being exposed to certain chemicals
  • having an allergic reaction due to having a bacterial, fungal, and/or viral infection
  • having an allergic reaction due to getting bit by certain insects and/or parasites-especially from mosquitos, bedbugs, scabies, bees, fleas, and/or gnats
  • having an allergic reaction due to scratching
  • having an allergic reaction due to being weaned from breast milk too soon
  • having an allergic reaction due to exposure to animal dander and/or dog saliva
  • having an allergic reaction due to exposure to pollen
  • having an allergic reaction due to exposure to the nettle plant
  • having an allergic reaction due to exposure to latex
  • having an allergic reaction due to exposure to the heat
  • having an allergic reaction due to exposure to sunlight
  • having an allergic reaction due to exposure to the cold
  • having an allergic reaction due to exposure to extreme weather conditions
  • having an allergic reaction due to being exposed to certain water temperatures
  • having an allergic reaction due to exercising
  • having an allergic reaction due to drinking alcohol-especially if we’re allergic to alcohol
  • having an allergic reaction due to exposure to certain preservatives-especially BHA and BHT, sulfites (especially in dried fruits)
  • having an allergic reaction due to eating foods that we are allergic to
  • having an allergic reaction due to being exposed to certain food additives, food dyes, food colorings, and/or food allergens-especially tartrazine (food dyes and in AlcaSeltzer)
  • having an allergic reaction due to being exposed to flavorings and/or preservatives-especially salicylates
  • having an allergic reaction due to being exposed to saccharin (artificial sweetener)
  • having an allergic reaction due to eating meat, pork, dairy, and/or poultry products, especially in frozen and/or fast foods, because of the chemicals, antibiotics, and/or hormones given to farm animals
  • having an allergic reaction due to eating certain foods-especially if we’re allergic to wheat, milk, chocolate, peanuts, nuts, eggs, onions, and/or shellfish
  • having an allergic reaction to eating foods that have high levels of histamines-including eating spoiled fish
  • having an allergic reaction due to not having enough unsaturated fatty acids in our diet
  • having an allergic reaction to chlorine-especially chlorine in our drinking water
  • having an allergic reaction to eucalyptus leaves
  • having an allergic reaction to dust
  • having an allergic reaction to certain fabric textures
  • having an allergic reaction due to us experiencing pressure on our skin from wearing tight clothing
  • having an allergic reaction to certain metals-especially antimony and/or bismuth (especially in certain alloys)
  • having acute urticaria
  • having spontaneous idiopathic urticaria (the cause is unknown)
  • having chronic urticaria
  • having raised or swollen red welts on our skin (hives or wheals) that last more than 6 weeks
  • having raised or swollen red welts on our skin (hives or wheals) that last 15 years and/or decades
  • having chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU)
  • swelling of our lips, eyelids, and/or throat (angioedema)
  • having hives that may or may not change in size
  • having hives that may or may not fade
  • having hives that may or may not reappear
  • having hives that reoccur in cycles
  • our hives getting aggravated with heat, exercise, and/or stress
  • having to take antihistamines-especially on a regular basis
  • having to take medications in order to manage our hives
  • having chronic urticaria due to us having thyroid diseases
  • having anti-TPO antibodies
  • having increased levels of anti-TPO antibodies
  • having a autoimmune thyroid diseases that causes us to have hives, contributes to us having hives, and/or exacerbates our hives
  • having hypothyroidism that causes us to have hives, contributes to us having hives, and/or exacerbates our hives
  • having hyperthyroidism that causes us to have hives, contributes to us having hives, and/or exacerbates our hives
  • having Grave’s disease that causes us to have hives, contributes to us having hives, and/or exacerbates our hives
  • having Hashimoto’s thyroiditis that causes us to have hives, contributes to us having hives, and/or exacerbates our hives
  • having an allergic reaction due to adrenal exhaustion and/or liver congestion resulting from an allergy, hydrochloric acid deficiency, food dyes, preservatives, spices, flavoring, coloring agents, drug allergy, acid conditions, insect stings, chronic infection, penicillin in the dairy products that we consume, aspirin, coffee, alcohol, and/or tobacco
  • having urticaria because we have lupus
  • having urticaria because we have vasculitis
  • having urticaria because we have spinal lesions
  • having urticaria because we have some sort of disease, disorder, and/or injury that stops the flow of our lymph
  • having urticaria because we have an imbalance between our deep and surface blood circulation
  • having urticaria because we have adrenal exhaustion
  • having urticaria because we have candida (fungus)
  • having urticaria because we have cancer
  • having urticaria because we have mastocytosis
  • having urticaria because we have contact dermatitis
  • having urticaria because we have atopic eczema
  • having urticaria because we have inflammatory breast cancer (IBC)
  • having urticaria because we have invasive ductal carcinoma
  • having urticaria because our cancer cells block our lymph vessels
  • itching
  • severe itching
  • intense itching wheals
  • swollen eyes
  • pain
  • painful swelling of the lips and/or throat
  • having batches of red or colored welts
  • inflammation
  • sleep deprivation
  • anxiety
  • emotionally upset
  • depression
  • social isolation
  • lack of energy
  • fearful
  • guilty
  • irritated
  • unloved
  • hopeless
  • powerless
  • stuck
  • violated
  • pessimistic
  • resisting
  • self-punishing
  • self-hatred
  • self-rejection
  • self-disgust
  • disliking ourselves
  • hating ourselves
  • denying ourselves
  • shame
  • unworthiness
  • our urticaria occurring at the same time as angioedema
  • having urticaria (hives) as an early sign of anaphylaxis (allergic reaction)
  • having anaphylaxis
  • dizziness
  • trouble breathing
  • swollen lips
  • having urticaria (hives) worsen over time
  • having urticaria (hives), especially at night, because someone released witchcraft against us
  • having urticaria (hives) reoccur at certain times because someone and/or a coven is taking shifts to release witchcraft against us
  • having urticaria (hives) break out because our physical body is reacting to witchcraft being sent against us
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our immune/lymphatic system, lymph nodes, lymph flow and circulation, immune system, autoimmune system, autoimmune response, allergic reaction, histamines, antihistamines, antibodies, anti-TPO antibodies, B cells, granules, IgE receptors, IgE antibodies, mast cells, plasma cells, circulatory system, blood flow and circulation, integumentary system, skin, endocrine system, thyroid, gastrointestinal system, and/or health to the kingdom of darkness, and the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over these aforementioned things
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our various atoms, frequencies, chemicals, cells, body parts, and/or body systems so that we’d be allergic to any of the aforementioned things and the kingdom of darkness having ownership over these aforementioned things
  • the category/kingdom of spirits that cause, contribute to, exacerbate, and/or reestablish any of these aforementioned problems