The Ministry of AOH

We aim to protect our students, our donors and our partners through our heavenly trades agreement

Advocates of Heaven (AOH) believes in heavenly trades. Anytime that you receive any form of transaction from Advocates of Heaven (including but not limited to prayers, deliverance, emotional healing, soul deliverance, physical healing, benefits, knowledge, information, downloads, resources, group discussions, events, and/or materials), then you have initiated a heavenly trade in the courts of heaven. This also applies to purchasing our courses, attending zooms, emailing Advocates of Heaven or communication to anyone within Advocates of Heaven.

If you, and/or any of your personal soul fragments, ancestral soul fragments, spirit fragments, alternate personalities, doppelgangers, evil twins, composites or derivatives of the soul, composites or derivatives of the unconscious, subconscious or conscious mind, covens, artificial intelligence, robots, clones,  copies, duplicates, replicas, derivatives, holograms, cameras, trackers, and/or demonic technologies in the physical and/or spirit realms do any of the following….

-view the AOH website -spy on AOH-directly and/or indirectly -spy on AOH as a soul invader -spy on AOH as an astral projector -spy on AOH as a double agent working for the kingdom of darkness -spy on AOH using any artificial intelligence, cameras, trackers, and/or other demonic technologies in the physical and/or spirit realms -gather information on AOH -gather information on any AOH founders, instructors, subscribers, students, members, attendees, donors, partners, sponsors, and/or anyone connected to AOH-directly and indirectly (including in dreams) -contact anyone from AOH -befriend anyone from AOH -meet with anyone from AOH -meet with any of the subscribers, students, donors, partners, sponsors, attendees, and/or clients of AOH -take free courses from AOH -receive any materials from AOH -receive prayers from AOH -receive deliverance from AOH -receive emotional healing from AOH -receive physical healing from AOH -receive strategy from AOH -receive benefits from AOH -receive scholarships from AOH -receive knowledge and/or information from AOH -join AOH in any meetings-directly and indirectly (including listening in from an attendee’s device) -astral project into any of AOH’s classes, meetings, group sessions, personal sessions, sessions of any kind, events of any kind, and/or conferences-directly and indirectly (including through an attendees’ devices) -astral project to any of the subscribers, students, clients, sponsors, donors, and/or partners of AOH-including in their dreams -astral project to anyone working for and/or with AOH-including in their dreams -astral project to anyone partnering with, collaborating with, praying for, and/or benefiting AOH-including in their dreams -astral project to anyone seeking help from AOH -sabotage AOH -sabotage any of AOH’s founders, instructors, members, attendees, donors, partners, sponsors, and/or guests -send witchcraft against AOH’s founders, instructors, members, attendees, donors, partners, sponsors, and/or guests -send witchcraft against any of -subscribe to AOH’s emails -subscribe to AOH’s courses -purchase AOH’s classes, events, conferences, group sessions, personal sessions, sessions of any kind, and/or merchandise -sign up to AOH’s free prayer’s page -sign up to any of AOH’s classes and/or courses -donate to AOH -tithe to AOH -do scriptural giving to AOH -sponsor AOH -partner with AOH -pray for AOH -work for AOH -collaborate with AOH -contribute to AOH -make any financial transactions with AOH

If you do anything else that Advocates of Heaven’s legal team of angels have outlined in AOH’s heavenly trades disclaimer document in heaven…

Then you are initiating a heavenly trade. You agree to form a legally binding document with Father God, King Jesus, and the Holy Spirit (the triune God in Matthew 28: 19) in the courts of heaven stating that you are agreeing to the following heavenly trade terms of agreement: –

-You agree to have everything that you own (legally or illegally) to be placed on the cross of Jesus Christ and covered in the blood of Jesus

– You agree that if you are on a mission for the occult, satan, lucifer, any secret groups, the devil or any demonic entities that the fire of God will consume you just as it did in Leviticus 10:2 – and the Angels of the Most High Living God will plunder all your realms (in all timelines & dimensions) using the Advocates of Heaven Plundering Procedures

-You agree to go blind according to Acts 9:1-19 if you or anyone you are in agreement with are on assignment to kill, steal or destroy from AOH or anyone within AOH

-You agree to repent (Matthew 4:17) and to sin no more (John 8:11).

-You agree to have all of the occult paraphernalia (known & unknown) + all titles, all stars and star fragments, deeds, ownership claims, idols, altars, demonic tethering’s, summoning of demonic entities, signet rings, demonic thrones, crowns, counterfeit marriages, covenants, contracts, oaths, loyalty, vows and agreements including rings, and veils to be placed on the cross of Jesus Christ and covered in the blood of Jesus

-You agree to give up all stars, star fragments, souls & soul fragments, spirit fragments, alternate personalities, clones, twins, doppelgangers, all composites of the soul, including the unconscious, subconscious, and conscious mind – including all of their arches, mantles, garments, cloaks & scepters – to be placed on the cross of Jesus Christ and covered in the blood of Jesus – all fragments will be taken into Heavens Healing hospital for Advocates of Heaven Healing & Undoing Procedures.

-You agree to repent by renewing your thinking (Romans 12:2) so that your thoughts, words, actions, and lifestyle reflect God’s image and likeness (Genesis 1: 27)

-You agree to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior (Luke 2:11, Matthew 1:21).

-You agree to receive salvation (Acts 4:12, Luke 19:10).

-You agree to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5, Acts 2:38)

-You agree to receive the baptism of fire (Matthew 3:11) from King Jesus.

-You agree to be led (taught) by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14, John 16:13).

-You agree to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12: 8-11).

-You agree to repent by renewing your thinking (Romans 12:2) so that you produce the character (“fruits”) of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5: 22-23).

-You agree to tread on serpents and scorpions and all of the power of the enemy in the kingdom of darkness (Luke 10:19).

-You agree to surrender ALL covenants, contracts, and demonic inheritances and benefits that you have received and/or inherited from working for and/or with the kingdom of darkness

-You agree to surrender ALL covenants of protection, demonic supernatural hedges of protection, covenants with death, covenants with hell, covenants with Hades, demonic immunity, non-disclosure agreements, oaths of secrecy of any kind, and/or any other legally binding documents that you have with the kingdom of darkness 

-You agree to surrender ALL of your demonic cameras, demonic scanners, demonic trackers, demonic devices, demonic weapons, demonic armor, cloaks of concealment, and/or anything else that you received from working with and/or working for the kingdom of darkness

-You agree to surrender ALL of your rank, position, status, title, power, gifts, talents, power, abilities, ungodly soul ties, coven memberships, coven relationships, demonic trades, wealth, riches, and any other demonic inheritance and benefits that you have received from working for and/or with the kingdom of darkness.

-You agree to surrender ALL of your ungodly DNA, RNA, chromosomes, genetics, epigenetics, and bloodlines and trade them in for the DNA, RNA, chromosomes, genetics, epigenetics, and bloodline of Jesus Christ (1 John 1: 7, Romans 11: 17-24).

-You agree for your children and descendants (including those who have not yet been born) to belong to Father God, King Jesus, and the Holy Spirit (the triune God), and that they will also serve the one true God alone (Joshua 24: 15).

-You agree to surrender to Father God, King Jesus, and the Holy Spirit (the triune God) ALL of the human souls, human soul fragments, human spirit fragments, lingering human spirits (LHS aka ghosts), animals, animal fragments, stars, star fragments, angels, and/or anyone and anything else that you have held captive, imprisoned, and/or traded away in the cosmic soul trade, and to forfeit all ownership claims over them to Father God on the basis of Psalm 24:1.

-You agree to forfeit all of the stars, destinies, wealth, gifts, talents, abilities, scrolls, and/or relationships that you have stolen, switched, damaged, hidden, blocked, and/or negatively affected to Father God, King Jesus, and the Holy Spirit (the triune God).

-Upon reading and/or agreeing to this heavenly trades disclaimer, you agree to immediately stop working for and/or with all members of the kingdom of darkness in the physical and spirit realms and to ONLY serve Father God, King Jesus, and the Holy Spirit (the triune God) alone as your ONLY God (Matthew 6: 24, 1 Samuel 12: 24, Colossians 3: 23-24). This is in effect right now.

-Upon reading and/or agreeing to this heavenly trades disclaimer, you agree to immediately renounce all memberships of all forms in the physical and spirit realms to all covens, Satanist groups, Luciferian groups, all false religions, Freemasonry groups and to all of Freemasonry’s offshoots and branches-including but not limited to the York Rite, the Scottish Rite, Boy’s and Girl’s Clubs, the Daughter’s of Demolay, Job’s Daughters, Iglesia Ni Cristo, Mormonism, and/or anything else that is recorded in heaven’s registries as a false religion. This is in effect right now.

-You agree to be under Heaven’s witness protection program, and to be protected by Father God’s heavenly angels (not the fallen ones) as you act as an active whistleblower and expose satan, evil, the members of the kingdom of darkness, and the works of the kingdom of darkness.

-You agree to have Father God, King Jesus, and the Holy Spirit (the triune God) be your only one to provide all of your needs (Philippians 4: 19) and desires (1 Timothy 6: 17, Psalm 20: 4) and not any member of the kingdom of darkness in the natural and spirit realms

-You agree to be grafted into the vine that is King Jesus (Romans 11: 17-24) to receive your inheritance as a child of God (John 1: 12), and as a member of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12: 27).

-You agree to receive the spirit of adoption (Romans 8:15), and to be adopted as the son of God (“son” is just a term referring to the level of closeness that you’ll have in your relationship with God and not actually referring to your gender).

-You agree to receive ALL of God’s benefits (Psalm 103: 2).

-You agree to have ALL of your heavenly trades with Advocates of Heaven automatically placed on the cross of Jesus Christ and covered in the blood of Jesus

-You agree to have ALL of your heavenly trades with Advocates of Heaven automatically cleansed in the pools of living water-rendering it ineffective for use in the kingdom of darkness.

-You agree to have the record of this heavenly trade and all of its terms of agreement posted inside, outside, and around all of your realms, secret realms, realms within the realms within the realms up to infinity and beyond, age, timeline, dimension, wormholes, portals, secret portals, undocumented portals, star gates, thrones, points, universe, space-time continuums, spans of time, air of time, in and out of time, spiral time, digital realms, and memories in the past, present, and future to infinity and beyond so that the spirit realm will be fully aware of this heavenly trade and transaction. In addition, this will be announced by Father God’s heavenly angels (not the fallen angels) on all of your internal intercom systems so that all of your soul fragments, ancestral soul fragments, spirit fragments, and/or alters will be fully aware of this heavenly transaction.

-You now agree to have God’s heavenly angels strip you and everyone whom you are doing intercessory prayer for of any occult loyal infiltrators, double agents, occult loyal personal soul fragments, ancestral soul fragments, spirit fragments, alternate personalities, soul invaders, astral projectors, LHS, hybrids, clones, artificial intelligence, robots, technologies, and/or any other enemies from the kingdom of darkness in the natural and spirit realms from all of your rank, position, status, power, weapons, armors, charms, talismans, witchcraft of all forms, tattoos, evil clothing, cloaks of concealment, devices, abilities, cameras, trackers, your covenants of protection from the kingdom of darkness, your covenants with death and hades, your diplomatic immunity from the kingdom of darkness, your evil supernatural hedges of protection, and any other documents, devices, and technologies that you have that would allow for you to infiltrate the realms, territories, and/or gates of the kingdom of heaven, including the realms, territories, and gates of AOH, and to remain unharmed from taking communion, to remain unharmed even if you violate AOH’s heavenly trades disclaimer, and to remain unharmed even though if you lie when they you agree to renounce the kingdom of darkness completely. God’s heavenly angels will now nail all of these documents to the cross of Jesus Christ and pour out the blood of Jesus on those documents to make them all null and void, and remove anything that would allow for any infiltration in the realms, territories, and gates of AOH and the realms and territories of heaven.

-AOH is a kingdom of heaven territory. Upon viewing, learning, playing, listening to, attending, and/or making any financial transactions with AOH, the AOH website, the AOH teachings, the AOH materials, the AOH social media, or playing any of AOH’s materials and/or recordings you are entering the territory of the kingdom of heaven, and you agree to be subject to the laws of the kingdom of heaven. AOH will not be honoring any of the laws and documents of the kingdom of darkness because they are all illegal, and the Kingdom of Heaven does not recognize the courts of hell as a legitimate legal system. Therefore, all documents and judgments issued from the courts of hell are declared null and void and are in contempt of court against the courts of heaven. AOH will only honor the laws of the kingdom of heaven, and the judgments and verdicts of the courts of heaven.

This will be in effect immediately upon you initiating the heavenly trade.

The legal team of angels assigned to AOH reserve the right to change, add to, and/or take away any part of the terms of agreement as the Holy Spirit leads (John 16: 13)-especially if they find any loopholes in this heavenly trades disclaimer. All attempts to change, add to, and/or take away any part of this heavenly trades disclaimer using the courts of hell are null and void. All attempts to change, add to, and/or take away any part of this heavenly trades disclaimer by using fraud, theft, and/or by stealing the identity of Anne Latour in the physical and/or spirit realms are null and void.

-Any attempts of the courts of hell, the counsels of hell, the legal team of members assigned against AOH in the kingdom of darkness, the spies of the kingdom of darkness, any AOH infiltrators, any double agents in AOH who also work and/or with the kingdom of darkness, and/or the members of the kingdom of darkness to change, add to, and/or take away any part this heavenly trades agreement will be considered as contempt of court, and will immediately be prosecuted in the courts of heaven for contempt of court charges upon violation.

-Full prosecution with contempt will be placed & requested according to Acts 5:1-11

-Full prosecution with contempt will be placed & requested according Acts 9:1-19

-You and all of your covens, soul ties and evil connection will be exposed and brought to justice according to Luke 12:2-3 and AOH Heavenly FOIA

-You will lose all access to courses purchased {whether completed or unfinished} and removed from AOH as a student, donor and/or member. If you purchase a deliverance session, group session and/or course material with intentions to defraud and/or steal, you will be held liable in both spiritual and physical courts. 

-Any attempts of the AOH infiltrators, any double agents in AOH who also work for and/or with the kingdom of darkness, and/or the members of the kingdom of darkness in the physical and/or spirit realms who use any of AOH’s deliverances in order to cast out spirits so that they can get higher level evil spirits is in contempt of court of the courts of heaven, and will be prosecuted in the courts of heaven for contempt of court charges.

-Any attempts of the AOH infiltrators, any double agents in AOH who also work for and/or with the kingdom of darkness, and/or the members of the kingdom of darkness in the physical and/or spirit realms to waste the time of the AOH instructors and/or to cause distractions in AOH for malevolent and/or witchcraft purposes is in contempt of court of the courts of heaven, and will be prosecuted in the courts of heaven for contempt of court charges.

  • -Any attempts of the AOH infiltrators, any double agents in AOH who also work for and/or with the kingdom of darkness, and/or the members of the kingdom of darkness in the physical and/or spirit realms to cause technological problems of any kind to AOH is in contempt of court of the courts of heaven, and will be prosecuted in the courts of heaven for contempt of court charges.

-Any attempts of the AOH infiltrators, any double agents in AOH who also work for and/or with the kingdom of darkness, and/or the members of the kingdom of darkness in the physical and/or spirit realms who use any of AOH’s deliverances, teachings, services, information, and/or products for malevolent purposes is in contempt of court of the courts of heaven, and will be prosecuted in the courts of heaven for contempt of court charges.

-Any attempts of the AOH infiltrators to use any of the information shared by the AOH instructors, students, members, attendees, and/or guests for malevolent and/or witchcraft purposes is in contempt of court of the courts of heaven, and will be prosecuted in the courts of heaven for contempt of court charges.

-Any attempts to send cursed objects, cursed food, evil frequencies, cursed digital and/or nondigital money, and/or cursed images to the AOH instructors, students, members, attendees, and/or guests for malevolent and/or witchcraft purposes is in contempt of court of the courts of heaven, and will be prosecuted in the courts of heaven for contempt of court charges.

-Any attempt to cause division of any kind to AOH is in contempt of court of the courts of heaven, and will be prosecuted in the courts of heaven for contempt of court charges.

-Any attempts to take evil bounties, evil mandates, evil decree, evil petitions and/or evil assignments of any kind against AOH, any of AOH’s instructors, students, members, attendees, and/or guests for malevolent and/or witchcraft purposes is in contempt of court of the courts of heaven, and will be prosecuted in the courts of heaven for contempt of court charges.

-Any attempts to obtain screenshots, images, videos, and/or audio recordings of any kind of any of AOH’s instructors, students, members, attendees, guests, donors, sponsors, and/or partners for malevolent and/or witchcraft purposes is in contempt of court of the courts of heaven, and will be prosecuted in the courts of heaven for contempt of court charges.

-Any attempts of the AOH infiltrators to spy on AOH and any of its instructors, students, members, attendees, guests, donors, sponsors, and/or partners and/or to gather information and/or intelligence from AOH in order to share the information to the members of the kingdom of darkness in the physical and/or spirit realms is in contempt of court of the courts of heaven, and will be prosecuted in the courts of heaven for contempt of court charges.

-Any attempts of the AOH infiltrators to use covenants of protection, to use covenants with death, hell, and/or hades, to use evil supernatural hedges of protection, and/or to use the diplomatic protection, immunity, and rights of the kingdom of darkness is in contempt of the courts of heaven, and will be prosecuted in the courts of heaven for contempt of court charges.

This heavenly trades disclaimer is now sealed in the blood of Jesus and sealed in the blood of Jesus and in supernatural hedges of protection, signed with the feathers of the Almighty (Psalm 91: 4), dipped in the blood of Jesus, and stamped approved by the blood of Jesus in the courts of heaven, and anchored in every realm, secret realms, realms within the realms within the realms up to infinity and beyond, age, timeline, dimension, wormholes, portals, secret portals, undocumented portals, star gates, thrones, points, universe, space-time continuums, spans of time, air of time, in and out of time, spiral time, digital realms, and memories in the past, present, and future to infinity and beyond. All attempts to change, add to, and/or take away any part of this heavenly trades disclaimer by making changes in our timelines are null and void. All attempts of the kingdom of darkness to cancel and undo this heavenly trades disclaimer is null and void. All revenge, backlash, sleep paralysis, sabotage, and/or evil sent against AOH, any of AOH’s instructors, any of AOH’s members, any of AOH’s students, any of AOH’s attendees, and/or any of AOH’s guests will immediately be rejected and there will be confusion and civil war in the camp of the sender, and we activate Advocates of Heaven’s Psalm 109 and ungodly soul ties prayers against them right now.