Anne Latour — Author & Founder of Advocates of Heaven

Dream big, anything is possible with KING JESUS.

Kingdom Authority - Fragmented Faith

Kingdom Authority - Fragmented Faith
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The book Kingdom Authority based off the Kingdom Authority & Inheritance Deliverance Course. 

The kingdom of darkness has used religion and the church to build a very dark world. Think, if the devil was going to infiltrate – where would he go first? Jesus became flesh and blood and died for us to be kings and priests, ruling and having dominion over this earth. All authority and power resides within the ecclesia – not the church building. When we become a member of a church, we are giving them authority over our soul and everything that resides within the soul. Jesus said the church should be a ruling governing body, not a fellowship hall. The church should be the court house. Religion has taken the place of Jesus. Time to take back the true church and rise up to become righteous Kings & Priests in this earth.

Soul Deliverance Matrix of the Fragmented Mind

Soul Deliverance - Matrix of the Fragmented Mind
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The book Kingdom Authority based off the Deliverance of the Soul Course. 

Anne Latour shares her insight about the soul and how it has been overlooked in deliverance. The fragments of our soul are composed of particles, matter, and atoms. The kingdom of darkness fragments the atoms during trauma, then capturing that soul fragment. The soul has all power and authority over all things therefore they can do whatever they choose – steal your identity (your star), your health, relationships, finances and so on. The more fragments that they have over a person, the more control they have. Jesus became flesh and blood to redeem all of mankind, and the evil matrix knows this. They have used our souls to enlarge their territory, establishing an evil matrix. We’ve been stuck in this matrix for hundreds, if not thousands of years. The matrix uses it for various reasons, but most of all to keep the evil matrix running. They obtain access through soul ties and various occult practices. This book exposes the dark side of the occult and how they program the mind. It will also give you the keys to break free from the mind control and self-sabotage programming.

Kingdom Soulmates One Flesh Manifested Sons of God

Kingdom SoulMates The One Flesh Manifested Sons of God
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No eye has seen, nor ear has heard what God is about to do in this earth through the Manifested Sons of God. Through science and scripture Anne Latour explains what God originally meant with: Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. The evil matrix doesn’t want us knowing what the key is out of their evil mind control system. It is to become united as one flesh with our God predestined soulmates before the foundations of the world. There is only one, and that one – is the ONE FLESH which gives us access to the tree of Life.

Bali Girl by Anne Latour

Bali Girl by Anne Latour

As a successful business owner and single mom, Anne Latour takes a leap of faith to follow her calling to Indonesia with her church. While cliff diving with her team, she suffers a severe injury and is rescued to shore. Eventually airlifted to a hospital in Bali, doctors tell her she should not be able to walk. While trying to get the pain under control in a country that doesn’t speak her language, Anne makes medical decisions that will change her life forever. Knowing that God called her to be on the trip, Anne wonders why this is happening. Why would God take her all the way to Indonesia, just to break her back? How was Anne able to walk for two days with a broken back? Why did God miraculously preserve her from paralysis and even death? Will Anne be able to communicate with the doctors, and what will she decide? Bali Girl will take you on a journey unlike any other you have experienced. Learn how the power of faith in God can lead you over any mountain, out of any ocean, and through any desert.

Published in May 2014