- Perfectionism
- feeling the need to be perfect in all things
- Worry
- unsafe
- insecure
- unbelief
- depression
- trust
- betrayal
- rejecting others
- rejecting others for performance
- trust in others
- trust in self
- trust in situations
- believing lies of the enemy
- lack of self confidence
- not feeling secure in self
- not feeling secure in environment
- not feeling secure in loved ones
- having walls up
- controlling of everything
- control of others
- control of needs
- control of situation
- feeling lack of control
- fear of failure
- fear of rejection
- fear of situation
- fear of disapproval
- fear of making mistakes
- fear of loss
- fear of losing a case
- fear of not being good enough
- fear of moving forward
- fear of unknown
- fear of losing friends
- feeling burdened
- feeling overwhelmed
- distractions
- avoiding people
- avoiding tasks
- rejection
- abuse
- bitterness
- resentment
- any and all spirit spouses
- trauma bonded to spirit spouses
- self worth based on achievements
- failure in the past
- past circumstances
- responses past failure
- condemnation
- condemnation from others with past failure
- condemnation with self with past failure
- unsupported
- unworthy
- rigid
- high parental expectations
- low self esteem
- feeling inadequate
- critical
- feeling shame
- shaming others
- agreeing with shame
- abusive parents
- abusive spouse
- abusive siblings
- unloved
- double mindedness
- anxiety
- fear of man
- high performance mentality
- perfectionism
- strong self criticism
- self critical
- pressure to perform
- high expectations of self
- unrealistic goals
- unrealistic expectations
- feeling stupid
- feeling incompetent
- incompetency
- fear of making a mistake
- fear of missing something important
- lack of confidence
- lack of abilities
- not accepting the mind of Christ
- unbelief
- doubt
- imposter syndrome
- fear of being a fraud
- doubting your abilities
- others doubting your abilities
- pass/fail mentality
- high internalized expectations
- failure of not memorizing enough information
- high achiever
- discouragement of self
- discouragement from others
- discouragement from parents
- discouragement from bosses
- discouragement from siblings
- discouragement from friends
- unhappy with self
- unhappy with accomplishments
- feeling never good enough
- having a never good enough mentality
- fear of being stuck
- paralysis by analysis mentality
- fear of normal failure
- striving to succeed at everything
- fear of being unloved
- fear of not being appreciated
- fear of not good enough
- critical parents
- parent that left at a young age
- fear that you were the cause of a divorce
- fear that your failure caused a divorce or a death
- not receiving praise when praise was due
- not getting acknowledged for success
- not getting acknowledged for good grades
- not getting acknowledged for awards
- not getting acknowledged for winning
- receiving criticism alongside acknowledgement
- fake or false acknowledgement
- being abused for completing a task
- uncertainty creating anxiety
- thinking about too many what ifs
- having too many what ifs
- fear of what ifs
- anxiety tied to lack of control
- anxiety to the unknown
- lack of direction
- false direction
- feeling stuck
- overthinking the perfect choice
- fear of not making the perfect choice
- not believing in Gods perfect will
- not believing in Gods perfect plan
- not trusting God
- not trusting Jesus
- not trusting Holy Spirit
- not trusting others
- not trusting parents
- not trusting authority
- paralysis by analysis trap of researching
- trap of stagnation
- seeking reassurance from others
- doubting yourself
- doubting God
- doubting Gods abilities in you
- doubting your God purpose
- constant pressure
- unconscious expectations
- not being kind to self
- unrecognized strengths
- generational perfectionism
- cultural perfectionism
- the idea that success is only obtained by luck
- the idea that success is only obtained by others
- the idea that success is only obtained through perfectionism
- the idea that success is only obtained through no failure
- not being able to internalize their own success
- mental torment
- generational mental torment
- feeling the need to know every piece of information before you start a project
- constantly looking for new certifications or trainings to improve your skills
- you won’t start something unless you have every thing you feel like you need to complete it
- hesitant to ask questions in public
- fear of feeling or looking stupid
- going down rabbit holes
- feeling like an imposter or failure when having to put in effort to complete a goal
- superman or superwoman mentality
- needing to save everyone
- feeling the need to succeed in all aspects of life—at work, as parents, spouses, friends, etc.
- feeling stressed when not accomplishing something
- neuroticism
- undealt with childhood memories
- childhood abuse
- childhood pain & trauma
- undealt with childhood soul/spirit fragments
- unheard childhood soul/spirit fragments
- fragmentation of the spirit and/or soul, spirit and/or soul parts in regions of captivity
- not lovable
- need to achieve mentality
- patterns & cycles of perfectionism
- discrimination
- discrimination based on past failure
- discrimination based on cultural failure
- discrimination based on mistakes
- not feeling accepted by others
- acceptance only based on success
- acceptance based on performance
- compulsive actions
- compulsive distractions
- lack of patience
- no patience
- negative emotions
- negative feelings
- irritable
- worry
- fear
- anger
- frustration
- self conscious
- stressed
- envious
- jealousy
- guilt
- loneliness
- shy
- not being able to control urges
- not being able to self cope
- not being able to cope with failure
- ignoring tasks
- ignoring projects
- avoiding projects
- rebellion
- not being able to relax
- poor ability to manage stress
- avoiding stress
- creating stress
- self report measures
- mood swings
- sensitivity to punishment
- low job performance
- unrealistic job
- doing more than asked
- running away from projects
- performance anxiety
- stubborn
- disobedient
- defiled by others
- defiling others
- degrading self
- degrading others
- self correction cycle
- unrealistic self correction
- rejects God
- rejects others
- rejects others input
- dominating children
- dominating behavior
- domineering
- unable to delegate
- fixated on details
- defying Gods instructions
- disobedience to others
- disobedience to God
- hoodwinking others
- being hoodwinked
- ties to Freemasonry
- indirectly connected to Freemasons
- Freemasonry in bloodline
- illuminati in bloodline
- indirectly or directly connected to secret societies
- indirectly or directly connected to Scottish or York rite
- spirit spouses that keep you feeling not good enough
- married to spirit of perfectionism spirit spouses
- obsessed with needing to be perfect
- obsessed with feeling the need to make others happy
- obsessed with research
- legalism
- being nitpicky
- having parents, clients, friends, bosses, employees, siblings that are nitpicky
- all toxicity connected to perfectionism
- ruthless taskmaster
- married to spirit spouse that drives you to utter exhaustion
- feeling discouragement
- feeling defeat
- feeling despair
- feeling hopelessness
- accusing and condemning spirit of perfectionism
- feeling that you don’t measure up
- feeling not worthy of Gods love
- feeling not worthy of Gods forgiveness
- feeling not worthy of Gods grace & mercy
- agreeing to self or voices that say “you didn’t do it right,” “you know better,” or “your stupid”
- increase the heaviness/oppression
- perfectionism oppression
- spirit of perfectionism
- Believing the following lies:
- “You’re not good enough. You’ll never be.”
“You’re a failure.”
“You’ll never measure up.”
“You’re so stupid.”
“How could you do that?”
“What an idiot!”
“You’ll never get it right.”
“You’re such a screwup.”
“You’re an embarrassment (to your family, to others, to God).”
“Nobody could ever love you.”
“You’re a worthless piece of trash.”
“Just give up.” - Religious spirits
- constantly holding a measuring stick
- constant reminders of falling short
- feeling the need to look, behave, or perform a certain way in order to earn God’s love and acceptance
- lack of god destined boundaries
- Doubting God’s forgiveness
- living in a state of fear, doubt, and insecurity about our own salvation
- deflating oneself
- desalting oneself
- setting self up for unconscious failure
- perfectionistic thinking
- perfectionistic habits
- perfectionistic tendencies
- debilitating patterns of perfectionism
- debilitating patterns of rejection
- debilitating patterns of unworthiness.