Kingdom Authority – MATRIX of the Fragmented Church


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The kingdom of darkness has used religion and the church to build a very dark world. Think, if the devil was going to infiltrate – where would he go first? Jesus became flesh and blood and died for us to be kings and priests, ruling and having dominion over this earth. All authority and power resides within the ecclesia – not the church building. When we become a member of a church, we are giving them authority over our soul and everything that resides within the soul. Jesus said the church should be a ruling governing body, not a fellowship hall. The church should be the court house. Religion has taken the place of Jesus. Time to take back the true church and rise up to become righteous Kings & Priests in this earth.

*based off of the Kingdom Authority & Inheritance Course at

In depth explanation of how the church has used the fragmented mind in order to have evil power and authority in the earth.

  • Recognize how witches operate on the board, in leadership, and within the church as volunteers.
  • Learn about your identity as a King and Priest and how to access it as well as use it
  • Learn about the difference between a religious mindset and kingdom mindset
  • Learn about Kingdom Government and how the church should be operating
  • Lots of information about the Catholic church and various undercover churches


Beginning in the Garden of Eden and now within the four walls of the Christian Church, the enemys blueprint has been to deceive the Sons of the Living God through illusions and distractions. Infiltration began thousands of years ago within seminaries, churches, and the government. Many leaders within the church are products of generational mind control, government-sponsored programs, and Luciferian agendas.

The Luciferians know that all power, dominion, and authority belong to the souls of Christians. The soul contains energy, frequency, ideas, and kingly inheritance. Which is why they devised a plan to entrap the souls within churches, expanding into the mission fields, taking advantage of fragmented and poverty-stricken countries. All in the name of Jesus.

The evil matrix enslaves many Christian ministers with empty promises of money, fame, and secrecy. Some are chosen to be kings ruling over the earth on behalf of the Kingdom of Darkness. Unknowingly, Christians support these ministers unaware of the true motivation behind their soul hunting.

Could you be under the spiritual covering of one of these ministers? Anne Latour will guide you on a wild journey through the church matrix, bringing truth in love to the righteous Sons of the Living God.