Deliverance Prayer against Serving Jury Duty


Courts of Heaven Prayer against Serving Jury Duty

Digital Download

Keys to receiving this prayer and using authority in it:

  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has been summoned for jury duty.
  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for keeps getting summoned for jury duty.
  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has experienced or is experiencing any of the problems mentioned in this recording (listed under “court case”).
  • Pray in tongues while listening to prayer.
  • Follow up with communion


Deliverance is a lifestyle and NOT a one time event.



  • getting summoned for jury duty
  • getting summoned for jury duty in a court house that is not close to our home
  • not getting the mail and/or email informing us that we’ve been summoned for jury duty
  • missing our jury summons and getting fined and/or in trouble because of it
  • being late to our jury summons and getting fined and/or in trouble because of it
  • not being properly dressed for our jury summons and getting fined and/or in trouble because of it
  • getting picked to be a juror
  • having to serve on jury duty
  • having to serve on jury duty on our vacation
  • having to serve on jury duty on an important event in our lives-such as during a birthday event, a wedding event, a party, a business event, a dance recital, a play recital, open house, and/or some other event that is important to us
  • not getting paid time off work for serving on jury duty
  • our workplace not allowing us to serve on jury duty
  • our work not dismissing us from any work that we have to work on even though we’re serving on jury duty
  • our workplace not providing an adequate substitute for us to do our work as we’re summoned for jury duty and/or serving on jury duty
  • getting picked to be a juror of a trial that lasts longer than 1 week
  • having to show up to the courthouse because of our jury summons and not being properly compensated for our time, gas, food, and parking
  • having to serve as a juror and not getting properly compensated for our time, gas, food, and parking
  • our time being stolen because we have to show up to court for our jury summons
  • our time being stolen because we have to be a juror
  • the category/kingdom of sabotage, delay, and theft spirits