Presbyopia (age related farsightedness) Deliverance Prayer


Courts of Heaven Prayer against Presbyopia (age related farsightedness)

Digital Download

Keys to receiving this prayer and using authority in it:

  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has Presbyopia (age related farsightedness).
  • Presbyopia is age related farsightedness. It’s when you have a difficult time seeing people or objects clearly when they’re up close, but you can see them more clearly when they’re far away.
  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has experienced or is experiencing any of the problems mentioned in this recording (listed under “court case”).
  • Pray in tongues while listening to prayer.
  • Follow up with communion


Deliverance is a lifestyle and NOT a one time event.



  • being prone to having presbyopia because we are over 40 years old
  • being prone to having presbyopia gradually worsen until 55 years old
  • being prone to having presbyopia because we smoke
  • being prone to having presbyopia because we have a poor diet-especially if we have a diet that doesn’t provide the nutrients that we need to have healthy eyes
  • being prone to having presbyopia because we live in hot, dry environments
  • being prone to having presbyopia because we didn’t wear sunglasses that provided 100% protection from UV rays
  • being prone to having presbyopia because we didn’t rest our eyes from digital screens every 1 to 2 hours
  • being prone to having presbyopia because we have uncorrected hypermetropia (farsightedness)
  • being prone to having presbyopia because we have premature sclerosis of our crystalline lens
  • being prone to having presbyopia because our ciliary muscles weakened
  • being prone to having presbyopia because we have chronic, simple glaucoma
  • being prone to having presbyopia because we have Freemasonry and/or any of its offshoots and/or branches in our bloodlines
  • being prone to having presbyopia because we and/or our ancestors put on the Freemasonry hoodwink and/or blindfold
  • being prone to having presbyopia because we have genetic mutations in our physical body, our soul, and/or our spirits because of generational iniquities and/or generational curses in our bloodlines
  • having presbyopia (having age related far sightedness)
  • having presbyopia because as we aged, the lens of our eyes became more rigid and lost its ability to be flexible and change its shape in order to focus up close (this is a process called “accommodation”)
  • having presbyopia because our eye lens lost its accommodation ability
  • having presbyopia because our eye lens hardened and lost its ability to accommodate
  • having presbyopia because as we aged, the thickening or hardening of the fibers of our crystalline lens made it more difficult to accommodate
  • having presbyopia because as we aged, our ciliary muscles became less efficient, and made it more difficult for our eye lens to accommodate
  • having a difficult time focusing our eyes on people and/or things that are up close
  • having age related visual impairment
  • having a gradual decrease in accommodation with age
  • amplitude of accommodation diminishing
  • having “old sightedness”
  • having “old eyes”
  • having “aging eyes”
  • having difficulty and/or unable to focus our eyes on nearby objects
  • having difficulty and/or unable to see people and/or objects up close
  • having to hold our reading material at a distance so that the words appear clearer
  • having a blurry or hazy vision when we read and/or look at something from a standard reading distance
  • difficulty performing near visual tasks
  • difficulty reading and/or writing
  • difficulty reading small print
  • difficulty focusing on near objects
  • difficulty refocusing on distance people and/or objects after doing near work
  • difficulty reading in dim lighting
  • squinting our eyes to focus on near objects
  • squinting and straining our eyes to see fine print
  • needing to increase the font size on our device screen
  • needing brighter lighting
  • headaches
  • having headaches after working on a computer and/or after reading
  • having headaches because our ciliary muscles are tired
  • drowsiness after reading and/or doing near work
  • having eye strain
  • having eye strain after working on a computer and/or reading
  • having eye strain while reading books and/or reading nearby text
  • eye fatigue
  • visual fatigue
  • tired eyes
  • being sensitive to light
  • having a general fatigued feeling-especially at the end of the day
  • having intermittent diplopia (double vision) because we have disturbances of convergence
  • having a reduced amplitude of accommodation
  • having a reduced amplitude of accommodation in order to work comfortably at the habitual reading distance
  • needing to use over the counter reading glasses
  • needing to use progressive prescription glasses
  • needing to use bifocal glasses
  • needing to use trifocal glasses
  • needing to use multifocal glasses
  • needing to use multifocal contact lenses
  • needing to have eye surgery
  • needing to use refractive surgery
  • needing lens implants
  • needing to rest our eyes briefly every 12 hours from a digital screen
  • any of the aforementioned problems being aggravated by fatigue, illness, fever, and/or other chronic conditions
  • having accusations, false labels, false verdicts, generational false verdicts, word curses, and/or ungodly bonds saying and/or implying that we have any of these aforementioned problems and/or that it’s a natural part of aging to have presbyopia
  • having accusations, false labels, false verdicts, generational false verdicts, word curses, and/or ungodly bonds saying and/or implying that God can’t supernaturally heal our eyes and vision, that God won’t supernaturally heal our eyes and vision, that God is punishing us by giving us presbyopia, and/or that God is teaching us a lesson by giving us presbyopia or not healing us from presbyopia
  • having accusations, false labels, false verdicts, generational false verdicts, word curses, and/or ungodly bonds saying and/or implying that we don’t like our eyes, that our eyes are unattractive, that our eyes are useless, and/or other negative words about our eyes (even if it was just a joke)
  • having a diagnosis and/or a prognosis that we have and/or will have presbyopia
  • having a diagnosis and/or a prognosis that we have any of these aforementioned problems
  • having a diagnosis and/or a prognosis that we have to live with presbyopia for the rest of our lives, that there’s no cure for it, that we can’t prevent it, that we can’t reverse it, and/or that it’s a natural part of aging
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our eyes, eye lens, fibers of our eye lens, retina, fovia, choroid, sclera, cornea, cornea shape, anterior chamber of our eye, pupil, iris, zonules, ciliary body, ciliary muscle, vitreous body, eye shape, the light going into our eyes, the bending of the light going into our eyes, our 20/20 vision, focal point, optic disc, optic nerve, central retinal vein, central retinal artery, and/or physical sight to the kingdom of darkness, and the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over these aforementioned things
  • the category/kingdom of spirits that are in the aforementioned body parts and/or body systems
  • not accepting what we see
  • feeling pessimistic
  • feeling purposeless
  • feeling confused
  • feeling like we don’t have clarity
  • the category/kingdom of spirits that cause, contribute to, exacerbate, and/or reestablish any of these aforementioned problems