Word Curses Deliverance Prayer


Courts of Heaven Prayer against Word Curses

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Keys to receiving this prayer and using authority in it:

  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has experienced or is experiencing word curses.
  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for….
    • if you’re being slandered
    • if you’re being gossiped about
    • if rumors/lies are being spread about you
    • if people are making false accusations about you
    • if people are making false allegations against you
    • if people are giving false witness about you
    • if you’re experiencing defamation of character
    • if someone said something negative about you
    • if someone said something negative about you to your face
    • if someone said something along the lines of “you’ll always be ____ (insert something negative).”
    • if someone said something along the lines of “you’ll never be _____ (insert something negative).”
    • if someone said something along the lines of “you’re going to be ____ (insert something negative).”
    • if you ever went to a psychic, palm reader, or human agent of darkness, and they said anything about you (good or bad).
    • if you’ve ever been verbally assaulted
    • if you’ve ever been verbally abused
    • if you’ve ever been hurt by anyone’s words
  • Pray in tongues while listening to prayer.
  • Follow up with communion


Deliverance is a lifestyle and NOT a one time event.



  • all word curses that we’ve spoken over ourselves and others
  • all word curses that others have spoken over us
  • all word curses that others have spoken over us that hurt us
  • all word curses that our parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, family members, friends, peers, classmates, teachers, bosses, coworkers, clients, business partners, pastors, teachers, prophets, evangelists, apostles, leaders, and anyone else with natural and/or spiritual authority over us spoke over us that hurt us and/or negatively affected us
  • all word curses that we spoke over ourselves that hurt us
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken over our physical bodies
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken over our looks/appearance
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken that negatively affected our self esteem
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken that negatively affected our perception of God, ourselves, and the people in our lives
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken that negatively affected our perception of life
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken over our intelligence and education
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken over our schools
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken over our gifts, talents, and abilities
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken over our destinies
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken over our parents
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken over our marriages
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken over our spouses
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken over our children
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken over our friends
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken over our church and ministry members
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken over our business partners, bosses, coworkers, and clients
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken over our businesses and workplaces
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken over our finances, wealth, homes, and properties
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken that negatively affected our perception of the workplace
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken over our country
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken over our relationship with God
  • all word curses that we and others have spoken over God and His character
  • all word curses against our ability to hear God’s voice, our spiritual senses, and our ability to sense in the spirit realm
  • the category/kingdom word cursing spirits