Traumatic Brain Injuries of the Frontal Lobe (TBI of Frontal Lobe) Deliverance Prayer


Courts of Heaven Prayer against Traumatic Brain Injuries of the Frontal Lobe (TBI of Frontal Lobe)

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Keys to receiving this prayer and using authority in it:

  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for had a traumatic brain injury of the frontal lobe (TBI of frontal lobe).
  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has any of the signs and symptoms mentioned in this recording (listed under “court case”).
  • Pray in tongues while listening to prayer.
  • Follow up with communion


Deliverance is a lifestyle and NOT a one time event.



  • getting into a motor vehicle related accident
  • getting into a motor vehicle related accident that leads to us experiencing a traumatic brain injury of our frontal lobe
  • getting into an accident
  • getting into an accident that leads to us experiencing a traumatic brain injury of our frontal lobe
  • getting beaten up
  • getting beaten to the point that we experience having a traumatic brain injury of our frontal lobe
  • getting physically assaulted
  • getting physically assaulted to the point that we experience having a traumatic brain injury of our frontal lobe
  • fainting
  • fainting and hitting our head
  • fainting and hitting our head and having a traumatic brain injury of our frontal lobe
  • having head trauma
  • having a traumatic brain injury
  • having a traumatic brain injury that leads to us having a stroke
  • having a traumatic brain injury that damages our anterior cerebral artery
  • having damages to our anterior cerebral artery that leads to us damaging our medial frontal lobe
  • having a traumatic brain injury that damages our middle cerebral artery
  • having damages to our middle cerebral artery that leads to us damaging our deep and/or lateral regions of our frontal lobe
  • having a traumatic brain injury that leads to us having dementia
  • having a traumatic brain injury that damages our frontal lobe
  • frontal lobe dysfunction
  • experiencing motor weakness
  • experiencing weakness on one side of our body
  • experiencing weakness on one side of our face
  • falling
  • falling and having damages to our frontal lobe
  • having difficulty and/or unable to solve problems
  • having difficulty with divergent thinking
  • having difficulty and/or unable to organize tasks
  • having difficulty and/or unable to concentrate
  • having difficulty and/or unable to plan
  • reduced creativity
  • having difficulty being creative
  • our judgment being impaired
  • having a reduced sense of taste and/or smell
  • insomnia
  • headaches
  • substance abuse
  • having depression
  • feeling emotionally distant
  • acting emotionally distant
  • irritable
  • unfocused
  • tired
  • unmotivated
  • negativity
  • pessimistic
  • perceiving things from a negative perspective
  • taking things too personally
  • taking things the wrong way
  • negatively affecting others
  • having pseudo-depression
  • having pseudo-depression as a result of our left frontal lobe getting damaged
  • experiencing pseudo-psychopathic changes
  • having pseudo-psychopathic changes as a result of our right frontal lobe getting damaged
  • experiencing changes in our behavior
  • having a short attention span
  • being easily distracted
  • having behavioral problems
  • being impatient
  • being intolerant of others
  • being impulsive
  • engaging in dangerous behaviors
  • having reduced sexual interest
  • having dorsolateral lesions on our frontal lobe that leads to us having a reduced sexual interest
  • having increased sexual interest
  • developing peculiar sexual habits
  • sexual deviancy
  • sexual perversion
  • fornication
  • engaging in risky behavior
  • having changes in our personality
  • our personality undergoing significant changes after our injury to our frontal lobe
  • anosognosia
  • lacking insight
  • having an impaired ability to be aware of changes in our abilities
  • having mood changes
  • having changes in our emotions
  • having difficulty and/or unable to control our motor functions
  • having difficulty and/or unable to control our fine movements
  • having difficulty and/or unable to control the strength of our arms, hands, and/or fingers
  • impaired movement
  • loss of coordination and/or balance
  • losing our ability to control our voluntary movements
  • having difficulty with our gross motor skills-such as moving our arms and/or legs
  • having difficulty with our fine motor skills-such as moving our fingers
  • having difficulty and/or unable to problem solve
  • having difficulty and/or unable to solve complex problems
  • having difficulty and/or unable to deal with spontaneity
  • displaying fewer behavioral spontaneity
  • displaying fewer spontaneous facial movements
  • lacking in spontaneous facial expression
  • decreased talkativeness
  • speaking fewer words
  • speaking fewer words as a result of having left frontal lesions on our frontal lobe
  • increased talkativeness
  • speaking excessively
  • speaking excessively as a result of having right frontal lesions on our frontal lobe
  • having difficulty with our attention and/or memory
  • having memory related problems
  • having memory loss
  • confusion
  • having difficulty with understanding and/or comprehending
  • having difficulty and/or unable to have empathic reasoning
  • having difficulty with attention and concentration
  • having slowed critical thinking
  • having difficulty and/or unable to understand nonverbal communication
  • exhibiting little spontaneous facial expressions
  • having difficulty and/or unable to interpret feedback from the environment
  • repeating our response
  • risk taking
  • being noncompliant with rules
  • breaking rules
  • disregarding rules
  • impaired associated learning
  • having difficulty and/or unable to use external cues to help guide our behavior
  • responding inappropriately to social cues
  • making socially inappropriate comments-which may be sexual
  • doing socially inappropriate things-which may be sexual
  • having difficulty with initiation
  • having difficulty with judgement
  • having difficulty with impulse control
  • having difficulty with social behavior
  • having changes in our social behavior
  • having difficulty with sexual behavior
  • having difficulty and/or unable to engage in higher level thinking
  • having difficulty and/or unable to perform cognitive skills
  • having difficulty and/or unable to plan
  • having difficulty and/or unable to evaluate likely outcomes
  • having difficulty and/or unable to multitask
  • having difficulty and/or unable to perform risk assessment
  • having difficulty and/or unable to perform the niceties of social interactions
  • having difficulty and/or unable to understand abstract concepts
  • having a traumatic brain injury that damages our motor cortex
  • having difficulty and/or unable to perform voluntary movements
  • having difficulty with our spatial orientation
  • having difficulty with understanding our body’s orientation in space
  • having a traumatic brain injury that damages our primary motor cortex
  • having difficulty with muscle movements
  • having difficulty doing physical activities
  • having a traumatic brain injury that damages our premotor cortex
  • having difficulty and/or unable to store data concerning motor programs
  • having difficulty and/or unable to do sensorimotor integration
  • having difficulty and/or unable to facilitate controlled, smooth movements
  • having a traumatic brain injury that damages our supplementary motor cortex
  • having difficulty with intentional preparation for movement
  • having difficulty with procedural memory
  • having a traumatic brain injury that damages our prefrontal cortex
  • making bad decisions
  • having a short attention span
  • distractibility
  • lack of perseverance
  • having impulse control problems
  • having Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • sabotaging our relationships
  • sabotaging our relationships due to our impulsivity, restlessness, and/or distractible behavior
  • having relationship turmoil
  • having family turmoil
  • hyperactivity
  • inefficiency
  • underachievement
  • feeling a tremendous sense of underachievement
  • failure
  • repetitive failure
  • chronic failure
  • constant failure
  • low self esteem
  • feeling chronically upset
  • stressed
  • chronically stressed
  • immunosuppression
  • being at an increased risk for illness
  • chronic lateness
  • poor time management
  • missing deadlines
  • disorganization
  • being disorganized in our thinking
  • being disorganized in our behavior
  • procrastination
  • being emotionally unavailable
  • having misperceptions
  • poor judgment
  • impaired judgment
  • having trouble learning from experience
  • having short term memory problems
  • having social anxiety
  • having test anxiety
  • having difficulty and/or unable to give close attention to details
  • having difficulty and/or unable to avoid careless mistakes
  • having trouble sustaining attention in routine situations-such as when doing homework, chores, and/or paperwork
  • having difficulty and/or unable to listen
  • having difficulty and/or unable to finish things
  • having poor follow through
  • having poor organization of time and/or space
  • being easily distracted
  • having poor planning skills
  • having difficulty with and/or unable to do projects that involve various steps
  • having difficulty with and/or unable to accomplish various steps in the right order
  • lacking clear goals
  • having difficulty and/or unable to have forward thinking
  • having difficulty expressing our feelings
  • having difficulty expressing empathy for others
  • lacking empathy
  • having difficulty with seeing things from another person’s perspective
  • self centeredness
  • excessive daydreaming
  • boredom
  • being easily bored
  • apathy
  • lack of motivation
  • lethargy
  • tiredness
  • fatigue
  • sleepiness
  • having a feeling of spaciness
  • our head being “in a fog”
  • restlessness
  • having difficulty and/or unable to sit still
  • having difficulty remaining seated in situations where remaining seated is expected
  • talking too much
  • talking too little
  • blurting out answers before questions have been completed
  • having difficulty and/or unable to wait our turn
  • interrupting others
  • intruding on others
  • butting into conversations and/or games
  • impulsivity
  • acting without thinking about potential consequences
  • making impulsive decisions
  • conflict seeking behavior
  • saying things without thinking first
  • doing things without thinking first
  • not filtering our thoughts
  • having difficulty and/or unable to learn from our experience
  • having a tendency to make repetitive mistakes
  • having difficulty and/or unable to concentrate
  • inhibition of reflexive behaviors
  • having different personality traits
  • having different emotional traits
  • having difficulty and/or unable to process abstract thinking
  • having difficulty with our working memory
  • having difficulty with and/or unable to do executive functions –such as with planning and implementing a series of goal directed actions
  • having difficulty and/or unable to monitor
  • having difficulty and/or unable to evaluate
  • having a traumatic brain injury that damages our orbital cortex (frontal eye fields)
  • having difficulty and/or unable to control the voluntary scanning movements of our eyes
  • having a traumatic brain injury that damages our Broca’s area and/or language center of our brain
  • having difficulty with the motor control of our speech
  • having difficulty speaking
  • having language difficulties
  • having speech difficulties
  • having difficulty putting our thoughts into words and forming complete sentences
  • having Broca’s aphasia
  • lacking fluency in our speech
  • having aphasia
  • unable to understand speech
  • having difficulty and/or unable to produce fluent and coherent speech
  • having difficulty with our mobility
  • having difficulty with our strength
  • having difficulty with our flexibility
  • having difficulty with performing daily activities-such as getting dressed, eating, and/or bathing
  • having difficulty getting and/or keeping a job
  • having difficulty with speech and/or communication
  • having to use assistive devices
  • having difficulty with planning, judgment, and/or memory
  • having difficulty maintaining our relationships
  • having difficulty with our emotional responses
  • having difficulty with our coping skills
  • having left hemi-spatial neglect
  • having difficulty noticing visual stimuli on the left side because our right frontal lobe was damaged
  • having right hemi-spatial neglect
  • having difficulty noticing visual stimuli on the right side because our left frontal lobe was damaged
  • confabulation
  • having false memories
  • disinhibition
  • loss of control over our behavior and/or emotions
  • perseveration
  • experiencing a continuous repetition of our actions, words, and/or thoughts
  • having orbitofrontal syndrome
  • lacking inhibition
  • being disinhibited
  • engaging in impulsive behavior
  • having difficulty controlling our emotions
  • having difficulty and/or unable to concentrate
  • having difficulty and/or lacking in judgment
  • having difficulty and/or unable to anticipate the consequences of our actions
  • euphoria
  • hypomania
  • grandiosity
  • developing abnormal sexual behavior
  • having orbital frontal damage that results in us developing abnormal sexual behavior
  • having frontal convexity syndrome
  • being apathetic
  • being disinterested
  • slowing of our motor functions
  • having difficulty and/or unable to plan ahead
  • lacking concern about the world around us
  • having medial frontal syndrome
  • being akinetic
  • reduced movements
  • losing sensations in our lower limbs
  • urinary incontinence
  • having occasional mutism
  • profound apathy
  • being indifferent to thirst and/or hunger
  • fear
  • worry
  • anxiety
  • stress
  • nervousness
  • accidents
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our health, safety, frontal lobe, our left frontal lobe, our right frontal lobe, anterior cerebral artery, middle cerebral artery, medial frontal lobe,  deep and/or lateral regions of our frontal lobe, motor functions, our ability to control our fine motor movements, our movements, our ability to control our gross motor movements, our ability to control the strength of our movements, our coordination, our balance, our ability to control our movements, our ability to sense our lower limbs, our urinary continence, our ability to control when we speak, our ability to speak, our ability to control what we say, our ability to solve problems, our problem solving skills, our ability to solve complex problems, our divergent thinking, our ability to organize tasks, our ability to concentrate, our executive functions, our ability to plan, our ability to plan ahead, our planning skills, our ability to do projects and/or tasks that involve various steps, our ability to accomplish various steps in the right order, our creativity, our judgement, our physical sense of thirst and/or hunger, our physical sense of taste, our physical sense of smell, our ability to get full REM sleep, our sound mind, our ability to have a clear mind, our ability to live our daily lives without any headaches, our ability to live our daily lives without any use of pharmakeia and/or drugs, our emotions, our emotional responses, our ability to control our emotions, our ability to control our behavior and/or emotions, our mood, our humility, our joy, our happiness, our euphoria, our peace, our hope, our optimism, our calmness, our ability to correctly perceive things the way that they actually are, our motivation, our positivity, our ability to communicate well with others without taking things too personally, our behavior, our social behavior, our attention, our attention span, our ability to focus, our concentration, our patience, our ability to wait our turn, our ability to wait until someone is done talking instead of interrupting them, our ability to not intrude on others, our ability to not intrude into conversations and/or games, our ability to sit still, our ability to remain seated in situations where remaining seated is expected, our tolerance levels, our inhibition, our impulse inhibition, our ability to control our impulses, our ability to not engage in impulsive behavior, our ability to think about potential consequences before we talk and/or act, our ability to anticipate the consequences of our words and/or actions, our ability to make decisions after thinking them through first instead of making impulsive decisions, our ability to think about something first before saying anything, our ability to think about something first before doing something, our ability to filter our thoughts, our ability to not make decisions based on impulse, our ability to wait until a question has been finished being asked before we give our answer, our sexual interest, our normal sexual behaviors, our sexual behaviors, our sexual habits, our libido, our personality, our interests, our insight, our ability to be aware of the changes in our abilities, our ability to deal with spontaneity, our ability to display spontaneous facial movements, our ability to control our facial expressions, our talkativeness, our ability to control our talkativeness so that we’re not talking too much or too little, our memory, our ability to remember, our short term memory, our ability to not be confused, our ability to understand, our comprehension, our empathic reasoning, our ability to think critically, our ability to understand nonverbal communication, our ability to interpret feedback from our environment, our ability to follow rules, our ability to learn, our ability to use external cues to guide our behavior, our ability to act appropriately, our ability to socialize, our ability to perform the niceties of social interactions, our ability to initiate, our judgment, our ability to engage in higher level thinking, our ability to perform cognitive skills, our ability to plan, our ability to evaluate likely outcomes, our ability to multitask, our ability to perform risk assessment, our ability to understand abstract concepts, our ability to do abstract thinking, our motor cortex, our ability to perform voluntary movements, our ability to control the speed of our motor movements, our spatial orientation, our understanding of our body’s orientation in space, our primary motor cortex, our ability to control our muscle movements, our ability to perform physical activities, our premotor cortex, our ability to store data concerning motor programs, our ability to do sensorimotor integration, our ability to facilitate controlled, smooth movements, our supplementary motor cortex, our ability to intentionally prepare for a movement, our procedural memory, our working memory, our prefrontal cortex, our ability to make good decisions, our ability to listen to God and make decisions based on what God tells us, our perseverance, our relationships, our family relationships, our relationship with our parents, our relationship with our spouse, our relationship with our children, our friendships,  our work relationships, our ability to have good relationships, our ability to maintain our relationships, our ability to be efficient, our achievements, our successes, our ability to be successful, our ability to succeed, our self-esteem, our self-concept, our stress levels, our immune system, our immunity, our perception of time, our ability to be on time, our ability to be good at time management, our ability to meet our deadlines, our organization, our ability to be organized in our thinking, our ability to be organized in our behavior, our ability to not procrastinate and to get things done on time, our ability to get things done ahead of time, our ability to be emotionally available, our ability to be empathetic toward others, our empathy, our ability to view things from other people’s perspective, our ability to care about the people and/or world around us, our ability to care for others, our perceptions, our ability to learn from our experiences, our ability to not make repetitive mistakes, our ability to socialize without any anxiety, our ability to take tests without any anxiety, our ability to give close attention to details, our ability to avoid careless mistakes, our ability to pay attention in routine situations, our ability to listen, our ability to finish things, our ability to follow through, our organization of time and/or space, our goals, our ability to have clear goals, our ability to implement a series of goal-directed actions, our ability to think forward, our ability to express our feelings, our daydreams, our ability to not be bored, our energy levels, our mitochondria, our adenosine tryphosphate (ATP), our ability to monitor, our ability to evaluate, our orbital cortex (frontal eye fields), our ability to control the voluntary scanning movements of our eyes, our Broca’s area, the language center of our brain, our ability to control our speech, our ability to speak with ease, our ability to speak languages with ease, our ability to put our thoughts into words, our ability to put our thoughts into complete sentences, our ability to speak complete sentences, our ability to be fluent in our speech, our ability to understand speech, our ability to produce fluent and coherent speech, our mobility, our strength, our flexibility, our ability to perform daily activities, our ability to get dressed, our ability to eat, our ability to bath, our ability to get a job, our ability to keep a job, our speech, our communication skills, our ability to communicate well, our ability to live life without the need for assistive devices, our coping skills, our ability to notice visual stimuli on the left side, our right frontal lobe, our ability to notice visual stimuli on the right side, our left frontal lobe, our ability to have real memories, our ability to not have to repeat our actions, words, and/or thoughts to the kingdom of darkness, and the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over all of these things listed
  • having false verdicts, generational false verdicts, and/or word curses that any of these aforementioned problems are allowed to happen to us
  • the category/kingdom of spirits that are located in our frontal lobe, left frontal lobe, right frontal lobe, anterior cerebral artery, medial frontal lobe, middle cerebral artery, deep and/or lateral regions of our frontal lobe, our motor cortex, our primary motor cortex, our premotor cortex, our supplementary motor cortex, our prefrontal cortex, our orbital cortex (frontal eye fields), our Broca’s area, our language centers in our brain, orbitofrontal lobe, medial frontal lobe, our neurons, our axons, and/or our neurotransmitters
  • dumb spirits
  • death spirits
  • accident spirits
  • accident unto death spirits
  • belial spirits
  • black widow spirits
  • witchcraft spirits
  • the category/kingdom of spirits that cause, contribute to, exacerbate, and/or reestablish any of the aforementioned problems in our lives