- tiredness
- excessive tiredness
- feeling tired even if we did little to no work
- feeling tired even if we slept a lot, ate healthy, and/or exercised
- always feeling tired
- being overtired
- feeling too tired to pray
- feeling too tired to fast
- feeling too tired to fast and pray
- feeling too tired to go to church
- feeling too tired to go to a Christian ministry
- feeling too tired to go to bible study
- feeling too tired to fellowship and spend time with other Christians
- feeling too tired to get deliverance
- feeling too tired to receive emotional healing from God
- feeling too tired to break curses from ourselves and our bloodlines
- feeling too tired to read the bible
- feeling too tired to talk to God
- feeling too tired to journal and/or record our conversations with God
- feeling too tired to wake up
- feeling too tired to start our day
- feeling too tired to work
- feeling too tired to think
- feeling too tired to commute
- feeling too tired to drive
- feeling too tired to bike
- feeling too tired to go to school
- feeling too tired to do homework
- feeling too tired to work on a project
- feeling too tired to do our assignments
- feeling too tired to read
- feeling too tired to study
- feeling too tired to do research
- feeling too tired to wake up early
- feeling too tired to stay up late
- feeling too tired to talk to anyone
- feeling too tired to interact with anyone
- feeling too tired to exercise
- feeling too tired to cook
- feeling too tired to clean
- feeling too tired to do chores
- feeling too tired to take care of our children
- feeling too tired to take care of our spouse
- feeling too tired to have sex with our spouse (for the married listeners only)
- feeling too tired to do what we need to do
- feeling too tired to fulfill our responsibilities
- fatigue
- feeling drained
- feeling mentally drained
- feeling emotionally drained
- sapped
- energy depletion
- sleepiness
- excessive sleepiness
- sleepiness during the day
- excessive daytime sleepiness
- needing a lot of sleep in general
- needing more than 812 hours of sleep per day
- needing a lot of sleep in order to recover from our daily activities
- needing a lot of sleep in order to recover from our exercise
- needing a lot of sleep in order to recover from eating anything unhealthy
- needing a lot of sleep in order to recover from working
- needing a lot of sleep in order to recover from interacting with anyone
- oversleeping
- excessive sleep
- love of sleep
- needing a lot of sleep after getting deliverance
- exhaustion
- physical exhaustion
- mental exhaustion
- emotional exhaustion
- spiritual exhaustion
- stress
- being overstressed
- burnout
- being overworked
- being overtaxed
- worn out
- being spent
- jet lag
- feeling exhausted from flying in an airplane
- feeling exhausted from adjusting to different time zones
- feeling exhausted from traveling
- feeling exhausted from commuting
- disturbed sleep
- having disturbed sleep and wake cycles
- having low energy levels
- insomnia
- excessive sleeping
- difficulty concentrating
- difficulty focusing
- reduced alertness
- having stomach issues
- having unsettled appetites
- having mood changes
- irritability
- moodiness
- anxiety
- irritability
- headaches
- having lapses in our memory
- having impaired decision making
- decreased work performance
- slumber
- weariness
- lethargy
- lassitude
- lacking energy
- having little to no energy
- debility
- enervation
- drudgery
- slothfulness
- sluggard
- habitually inactive
- laziness
- slowness
- weakness
- drowsiness
- constant drowsiness
- having vampire spirits
- having fatigue spirits
- having fatigue unto death spirits
- having tired spirits
- having overtired spirits
- having overtired unto death spirits
- having weakness spirits
- having weakness unto death spirits
- having Remus spirits
- having Remur spirits
- having false verdicts and/or generational false verdicts of any of these aforementioned problems
- the buying, selling, and/or trading of our energy levels, our circadian rhythms, our mitochondria, and/or our Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) to the kingdom of darkness
- the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over our energy levels, our circadian rhythms, our mitochondria, and/or our Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
- the category/kingdom of spirits that cause, contribute to, exacerbate, and/or reestablish any of these aforementioned problems