Sciatica Pain Deliverance Prayer


Courts of Heaven Prayer against Sciatica Pain

Digital Download

Keys to receiving this prayer and using authority in it:

  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re doing intercessory prayer for needs healing from sciatica pain (the signs and symptoms are listed below under “reasons for the court meeting”).
  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re doing intercessory prayer for needs healing for low back pain, hip pain, thigh pain, leg pain, ankle pain, and/or foot pain.
  • Pray this prayer if you or someone whom you’re doing intercessory prayer for feels numbness, tingling, sharp pain, shooting pain, and/or pins and needles sensations on their low back, hip, thigh, leg, ankle, and/or foot.
  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has experienced or is experiencing any of the problems mentioned in this recording (listed under “court case”).
  • Pray in tongues while listening to prayer.
  • Follow up with communion


Deliverance is a lifestyle and NOT a one time event.



  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we are between 30-50 years old
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have and/or had an injury in our lower back and/or spine
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have and/or had a traumatic injury to our lumbar spine and/or sciatica nerve
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have and/or had a traumatic injury to our L4, L5, and/or S1 from a disc disorder
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have a nerve disorder
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have blood clots
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have an abscess
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have poor posture
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have sudden pressure on our vertebral disks
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have a bulging vertebral disk
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have a thinning vertebral disk
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have an osteophyte formation that affects our vertebral disk
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have a compressed spinal nerve
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have a narrowed spinal canal
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have tumors in our lumbar spinal canal that compresses our sciatic nerves
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have piriformis syndrome (piriformis muscle becomes tight or spasms, and puts pressure on and/or irritate our sciatic nerve)
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have muscle spasms in our back and/or buttocks
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have cauda equina syndrome
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because our bones and/or spinal disks are worn out
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have pinched nerves
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have pinched sciatic nerve roots
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because our bones, disks, and/or ligaments have shifted
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have a herniated disk and/or slipped disk that causes pressure on our nerve root
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have spondylolisthesis (slipping of one vertebra so that it’s out of alignment with the others above it and narrowing the opening through which the nerve exits)
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we are overweight
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we’ve put on weight due to pregnancy
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because our hormones during pregnancy cause us to have hormones that loosen the ligaments that hold our vertebrae together, protect our vertebral disks, and keep our spine stable
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we are pregnant, and the baby’s weight and/or position is adding pressure to our nerves
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have loose ligaments that cause our spine to become unstable and/or to slip
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we don’t have strong core muscles
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have an active, physical job that requires us to lift heavy weights, people, and/or things
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we sit and/or drive for long periods of time
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we twist our back
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we carry heavy people and/or things
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we frequently do heavy lifting
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have to use our back
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we sit for long periods of time
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we sit in awkward sitting positions
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we wear ill fitting clothes and/or shoes
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we wear high heels
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we wear uncomfortable shoes that are not cushioned
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we wear overly tight, form fitting pants, shorts, and/or skirts
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we sleep on a mattress or surface that is too hard and/or too soft
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we irritate our sciatic nerve by carrying a wallet, phone, and/or bulky items on our back pocket as we sit for long periods of time
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we don’t use proper body form and posture when we lift weights and/or do other strength training exercises
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we do toe touch exercises from a standing position that aggravate our sciatica
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have nerve damage due to diabetes
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have osteoarthritis
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have bone spurs (jagged edges of the bone) that compress our lower back nerves
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have degenerative disk disease
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have spinal stenosis
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have lumbar spinal stenosis
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have nerve damage
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we live an inactive lifestyle
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we don’t exercise, keep our muscles moving, flexible, and/or toned
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we live a sedentary lifestyle
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we smoke cigarettes
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because our vertebral disks are worn down
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have and/or had muscle spasms in our back and/or buttocks
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have an injury, fracture, infection, and/or problem that leads to direct pressure and/or irritation on our sciatic nerve
  • being prone to having sciatica pain because we have genetic mutations in our physical bodies, our souls, and/or our spirits because of the generational iniquities and/or generational curses in our bloodlines
  • having sciatica pain
  • our sciatic nerve being irritated and/or compressed at the nerve root between our L4 to S3 (in our lower back)
  • sciatica pain that results from irritation of the nerve roots of our lower lumbar and lumbosacral spine
  • our sciatica nerve experiencing pressure and/or injury
  • swelling on our lower spine
  • pain
  • dull pain
  • chronic pain
  • constant pain
  • intermittent pain
  • ongoing pain
  • pain that persists for weeks
  • worsening pain
  • excruciating pain
  • radiating pain
  • pain that radiates from our lower back, hips, the back of our thighs, our legs, our ankles, feet, and/or toes
  • pain that feels like a bad leg cramp
  • sharp pain
  • burning pain
  • knife life pain
  • electrical pain
  • shooting pain
  • shooting pain that makes it difficult to stand up
  • difficulty moving
  • cramping pain in our lower back, hips, the back of our thighs, into our leg, our feet, and/or ankles that lasts for weeks
  • pain that occurs particularly when we’re moving, sneezing, and/or coughing
  • lower back pain
  • hip pain
  • pain on our buttocks
  • pain on our buttocks that gets worse when we’re sitting
  • constant pain on one side of our buttocks
  • leg pain
  • leg pain what is worse when we’re sitting
  • burning sensations down our legs
  • tingling sensations down our legs
  • weakness, numbness, and/or a difficult time moving our leg and/or foot
  • thigh pain
  • foot pain
  • lower back pain that radiates to our hip, buttocks, down our legs, and/or our feet
  • moderate pain in our lower back, buttocks, and/or down our leg
  • severe pain in our lower back, buttocks, and/or down our leg
  • numbness in our lower back, buttocks, and/or down our leg
  • weakness in our lower back, buttocks, down our leg, and/or our feet
  • pain that worsens with movement
  • pain that worsens when we’re bending at the waist
  • pain that worsens when we’re coughing
  • pain that worsens when we’re sitting
  • pain that worsens when we’re sneezing
  • tingling
  • tingling sensations on our legs
  • weakness
  • weakness of our legs
  • numbness
  • numbness of our legs-along the nerve
  • loss of movement
  • having a “drop foot”
  • numbness in our feet that makes it difficult and/or impossible for us to walk
  • having a pins and needles sensation
  • having the sensation of pins and needles on our legs, toes, and/or feet
  • having a tingling sensation
  • having a burning sensation
  • loss of bowel control (due to cauda equina)
  • loss of bladder control (due to cauda equina)
  • permanent nerve damage
  • loss of feeling in one and/or both of our legs
  • loss of feeling in one and/or both of our feet
  • swelling in our affected leg-especially if we have sciatica that is caused by a herniated disk, spinal stenosis, and/or a bone spur that compresses our sciatic nerve
  • having accusations, false labels, false verdicts, generational false verdicts, words curses, and/or ungodly bonds stating that we have any of these aforementioned problems
  • having accusations, false labels, false verdicts, generational false verdicts, words curses, and/or ungodly bonds stating that God can’t and/or won’t supernaturally heal us from any of these aforementioned problems
  • having accusations, false labels, false verdicts, generational false verdicts, words curses, and/or ungodly bonds stating that we need to apply hot and/or cold packs on our affected areas, that we need to take pain medications, that we need physical therapy, that we need spinal injections, that we need acupuncture, that we need surgery, and/or that we need to live with this pain for the rest of our lives
  • having a diagnosis and/or prognosis that we have any of these aforementioned problems
  • having a diagnosis and/or prognosis that we can’t ever be cured
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our nerves, our pain response, our pain threshold, our vertebral disks, our nerve roots, our sciatica nerve, our posterior femoral cutaneous nerve, our common fibular nerve, our medial sural cutaneous nerve, our superficial fibular nerve, our tibial nerve, our spinal cord, our nervous system, our vertebrae, L4, L5, S1, S2, S3, sacrum, spinal canal, the space where our nerve exits from our vertebrae, our musculoskeletal system, our lower back, our buttocks, our thighs, the backs of our thighs, our lower legs, our ankles, our feet, the sides of our feet, our ligaments, the ligaments supporting our spine, our sleep, our comfort, and/or our physical health to the kingdom of darkness, and the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over these aforementioned things
  • the category/kingdom of spirits that are located in the aforementioned body parts and/or body systems
  • feeling disconnected with ourselves
  • feeling disconnected with others
  • feeling disconnected with the world
  • discomfort
  • feeling unprotected
  • feeling stuck
  • feeling overstimulated
  • feeling traumatized
  • feeling tense
  • feeling unbalanced
  • feeling unfulfilled
  • rebellion
  • traumatized
  • unprocessed personal trauma
  • unprocessed ancestral trauma
  • physical trauma
  • emotional trauma
  • mental trauma
  • fear of losing control
  • self punishment
  • feeling grief
  • feeling guilt
  • feeling oppressed
  • feeling powerless
  • feeling rigid
  • resisting getting emotional healing
  • resisting getting our trauma healed
  • avoiding getting healing from our trauma
  • feeling rejected
  • feeling devalued
  • feeling like we’re not valued by others
  • feeling like we don’t have enough in regard to our finances
  • having a poverty mentality
  • having scarcity thinking
  • feeling judgmental
  • feeling confused
  • feeling constricted
  • feeling humiliated
  • having limiting beliefs
  • holding on to negative habits, belief systems, and/or patterns of thinking
  • feeling like we have to perform and/or earn love, affection, and/or acceptance
  • feeling unsupported
  • not feeling safe
  • feeling hopeless
  • feeling despair
  • feeling indecisive
  • feeling stuck
  • feeling bitter
  • not wanting to move forward
  • being stuck in the past
  • not believing in ourselves in our ability to meet our goals
  • having a victim mentality
  • hiding
  • feeling purposeless
  • transforming
  • unforgiveness
  • being inflexible
  • having unhealed emotional wounds pertaining to our mother and/or mother figures
  • stubbornness
  • feeling wounded
  • holding grudges against our mother and/or mother figures
  • not being present in the here and now
  • disconnecting from the present
  • holding on to hurt feelings and not asking God to heal them
  • the category/kingdom of pain spirits, infirmity spirits, witchcraft spirits, and/or other spirits that cause, contribute to, exacerbate, and/or reestablish any of these aforementioned problems