Deliverance Prayer for pregnant women who are near their due date


Courts of Heaven Prayer for Pregnant women who are near their due date

Digital Download

Keys to receiving this prayer and using authority in it:

  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for is pregnant.
  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for pregnant and close to the delivery date.
  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has experienced or is experiencing any of the problems mentioned in this recording (listed under “court case”).
  • Pray in tongues while listening to prayer.
  • Follow up with communion


Deliverance is a lifestyle and NOT a one time event.



  • our babies coming out prematurely
  • our babies coming out past their due date
  • human agents of darkness taking assignments to kill one and/or more of our babies in the womb
  • human agents of darkness taking assignments to kill one and/or more of our babies once they’re born
  • our spirit spouses and/or spirit children trying to kill our babies while they’re still in the womb
  • one and/or more of our babies dying in the womb
  • all of our babies dying in the womb
  • giving birth to a dead baby
  • giving birth to dead babies
  • human agents of darkness switching our babies with a hybrid baby in the womb
  • human agents of darkness kidnapping our babies when they’re born
  • having enmity between us and the serpent, Lucifer, satan, and/or snakes (Genesis 2: 14)
  • our spirit spouses and/or spirit children trying to kill our babies once they’re born
  • being targeted more heavily by the kingdom of darkness because we’re female (Genesis 2: 14)
  • our children being targeted more heavily by the kingdom of darkness (Genesis 2: 14)
  • having the curse of Genesis 2: 16 active over our lives
  • having severe childbearing pains (Genesis 2: 16)
  • having a painful labor (Genesis 2: 16)
  • having a long labor
  • discomfort
  • extreme discomfort
  • difficulty breathing
  • our babies kicking our bladder, ribs, and/or us while they’re still in the womb
  • misery
  • suffering
  • torment
  • physical torment
  • emotional torment
  • pain
  • back pain
  • low back pain
  • pain in our hips and/or pelvis
  • pain in our vagina
  • extreme pain
  • pain that comes in cycles
  • excruciating pain
  • labor pains
  • prolonged labor pains
  • having a long childbirth
  • physical exhaustion
  • being too exhausted to push and/or bear down
  • emotional exhaustion
  • fainting from physical exhaustion
  • tiredness
  • fatigue
  • malaise
  • fear
  • worry
  • stress
  • nervousness
  • panic
  • being unsafe
  • being unprotected
  • not having a support system
  • not having a supportive group of people during our childbirth
  • getting infections as we’re pregnant
  • getting COVID and/or any of its variants, strains, and/or mutations as we’re pregnant and/or after we’ve given birth
  • our babies getting COVID and/or any of its variants, strains, and/or mutations
  • being coerced, forced, pressured, and/or legally required to get COVID vaccinations and/or testseven when we’re pregnant
  • being coerced, forced, pressured, and/or legally required to get COVID vaccinations and/or tests in order to give birth in hospitals and/or medical facilities
  • being coerced, forced, pressured, and/or legally required to have our babies get COVID vaccinations and/or tests
  • being coerced, forced, pressured, and/or legally required to get COVID vaccinations and/or tests in order to receive any medical help, services, and/or medications
  • being coerced, forced, pressured, and/or legally required to get COVID vaccinations and/or tests in order to take our babies home from the hospital and/or from any medical facility
  • getting sick as we’re pregnant
  • having breathing problems as we’re pregnant
  • having blood clots as we’re pregnant
  • swelling in our feet, ankles, and/or extremities
  • having inadequate uterine relaxation
  • hypovolemic shock
  • hemorrhaging
  • having blood clots during the birthing process
  • having blood clots after giving birth
  • having a stroke
  • having an aneurysm
  • having continuous vaginal bleeding with fetal heart rate changes
  • having infections in our amniotic fluid
  • having a hospital acquired infection during our stay at the hospital and/or health care facility
  • having a prolapsed cord
  • having non-reassuring and/or abnormal fetal heart rates and/or patterns
  • having seizures as we’re giving birth
  • needing an episiotomy
  • having difficulty and/or unable to have a natural vaginal birth
  • needing to use forceps and/or a vacuum to get the babies out
  • needing to break the babies’ shoulders in order to get the babies out
  • having abnormal vital signs
  • our babies having abnormal vital signs
  • having a small internal pelvis that is too small and/or narrow to give birth to a baby
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our pelvis, our internal pelvis, our uterus, our womb, our vagina, our cervix, our placenta, our umbilical cords, our babies, our ability to have vaginal births with no complications, our ability to have vaginal births with no pain and/or discomfort, our ability to give birth to healthy babies, our ability to live through childbirth, our babies’ ability to live in the womb, our babies’ ability to live through the birth experience, our babies’ ability to live after being born, our lives, our babies’ lives, and/or the nerves and pain pathways involved in our childbirth process to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over our pelvis, our internal pelvis, our uterus, our womb, our vagina, our cervix, our placenta, our umbilical cords, our babies, our ability to have vaginal births with no complications, our ability to have vaginal births with no pain and/or discomfort, our ability to give birth to healthy babies, our ability to live through childbirth, our babies’ ability to live in the womb, our babies’ ability to live through the birth experience, our babies’ ability to live after being born, our lives, our babies’ lives, and/or the nerves and pain pathways involved in our childbirth process
  • needing a C-section
  • needing an emergency C-section
  • the umbilical cord wrapping around our babies’ necks
  • the umbilical cord getting tangled with our babies and making it harder and/or complicated for them to come out of our vagina
  • our umbilical cord getting tangled and/or pinched during the childbirth process and cutting off oxygen supply to our babies
  • our umbilical cord coming out at the same time as our babies
  • our umbilical cord coming out before the babies
  • our babies repeatedly crowning and then coming back into the vagina
  • our babies not able to quickly come out of our vagina
  • our babies getting stuck in our pelvis and/or vagina
  • our babies being in breech position
  • our babies being in a transverse and/or longitudinal position
  • our placenta and/or parts of our placenta getting stuck
  • our placenta getting infected
  • dying from giving birth
  • dying from having a C-section
  • our babies not breathing when they’re born
  • our babies not having enough oxygen when they’re born
  • our babies having low apgar scores when they’re born
  • our babies being born pale and/or blue
  • our babies being born with a pink body with blue extremities
  • our babies not breathing when they’re born
  • our babies having slow and/or irregular breathing when they’re born
  • our babies being flaccid when they’re born
  • our babies having some flexion in the extremities
  • our babies not having a pulse when they’re born
  • our babies having a heart rate that is below 100 bpm
  • our babies having little to no muscle tone and/or activity when they’re born
  • our babies having flexed arms and legs when they’re born
  • sudden infant death syndrome
  • infanticide
  • having a traumatic childbirth
  • having a complicated childbirth
  • having a long childbirth process
  • our souls fragmenting as we’re giving birth
  • the soul of our babies being fragmented
  • having postpartum blues
  • having postpartum depression
  • having severe depression
  • having hormonal imbalance
  • being emotional
  • being too emotionally sensitive
  • crying
  • crying easily-even when there’s no reason to cry
  • having difficulty and/or unable to fall asleep and get full REM sleep
  • having sleep disturbances
  • our babies having difficulty and/or unable to fall asleep and get full REM sleep
  • our babies having nightmares
  • our babies having heartburn, colicky pain, gassiness, pain, and/or any other problems
  • our babies being born with missing limbs
  • our babies being born with diseases, sicknesses, illnesses, weaknesses, disorders, disabilities, infections, and/or injuries
  • having difficulty and/or unable to bond with our babies
  • rejecting our babies
  • having difficulty and/or unable to breastfeed
  • having difficulty and/or unable to produce enough milk for our babies
  • our babies having difficulty and/or unable to latch on to our nipples and to breastfeed correctly
  • our babies being allergic to our breastmilk
  • our nipples chaffing from breastfeeding
  • mastitis
  • having a sore vagina
  • bleeding from our vagina after childbirth
  • having hemorrhoids
  • having urinary incontinence
  • having bowel incontinence
  • having difficulty and/or unable to completely empty our bladders
  • having burning, stinging, pain, and/or discomfort whenever we urinate and/or have a bowel movement-especially after childbirth
  • having incompetent, unqualified, and/or rude people help us give birth
  • being denied help from the hospital because they’re understaffed
  • being denied help from the hospital because we don’t have health insurance
  • being denied help from the hospital because we don’t have enough money
  • not having enough money to pay the hospital bills
  • not having enough money to go to the hospital
  • not having health insurance
  • our health insurance not fully covering our hospital bills
  • not having any maternity leave
  • not getting paid maternity leave
  • our spouse and/or the father of our babies not getting any paternity leave
  • our spouse and/or the father of our babies not getting any paid paternity leave
  • having to go back to work right away after we’ve just given birth
  • not having a support group to help us to raise our babies
  • the category/kingdom of spirits that would cause, contribute to, and/or exacerbate any of these aforementioned problems
  • the category/kingdom of spirits that would hinder, delay, and/or block us from receiving the answers to our prayers