Post Nasal Drip and Halitosis (Bad Breath) Deliverance Prayer


Courts of Heaven Prayer against Post Nasal Drip and Halitosis (Bad Breath)

Digital Download

Keys to receiving this prayer and using authority in it:

  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has Post nasal Drip or Halitosis (bad breath).
  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has any of the signs and symptoms mentioned in this recording (listed under “court case”).
  • Pray in tongues while listening to prayer.
  • Follow up with communion


Deliverance is a lifestyle and NOT a one time event.



  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have or had a viral infection
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have or had a cold
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have or had the flu
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have or had a fungal infection
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have or had sinusitis
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have allergies-especially to pollen, dust mites, and/or animals
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have allergic rhinitis
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have nasal polyps
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have a deviated nasal septum
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we ate certain foods-such as spicy food
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have GERD and/or acid reflux
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have nonallergic rhinitis
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have vasomotor rhinitis
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have rhinitis
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have or had acute bacterial rhinosinusitis (ARBS)
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have or had acute sinusitis
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have chronic bacterial sinusitis
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have or had a bacterial infection
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have cystic fibrosis
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we take medications with estrogen
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we take certain medications-such as antihistamines, diuretics, contraceptive pills, tranquilizers, certain nasal sprays, and/or medications for treating blood pressure
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we are exposed to chemicals and/or environmental irritants-such as perfumes or smoke
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we are pregnant
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we are experiencing hormonal changes
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have a foreign object lodged in our nose
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we are in an area with extreme dry weather conditions
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we are in an area with dry air
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we are in an area with forced air heating systems
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we are in an area with cold temperatures with cold winds
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we are in an area with extreme changes in weather patterns
  • being prone to having postnasal drip because we have genetic mutations in our physical body, soul, and/or spiritual genetics because of generational iniquities and generational curses in our bloodlines
  • postnasal drip
  • chronic post nasal drip
  • having a nasal discharge that bypasses our nose and drains down the back of our throat
  • having mucus or fluid from our nose drain down the back of our throat
  • runny nose
  • stuffy nose
  • decreased sense of smell
  • sneezing
  • bad tasting nasal drip
  • feeling something dripping at the back of our throat
  • discomfort in our throat
  • nasal congestion
  • chronic nasal congestion
  • nasal discharge
  • nausea
  • feeling nauseas from having excessive mucus in our stomach
  • vomiting
  • halitosis (bad breath)
  • having pus or white patches covering our tonsils and/or throat
  • swollen tonsils
  • swollen tissues in our throat
  • difficulty breathing
  • difficulty sleeping
  • difficulty swallowing
  • coughing at night
  • throat irritation
  • feeling scratchy, tickling, or itching in the back of our throat
  • feeling a tickle in our throat
  • feeling like a lump or something is stuck in our throat
  • mucus irritating and inflaming our throat
  • sore throat
  • irritated throat
  • burning feeling in our throat
  • waking up to a hoarse voice
  • having a raspy or gurgling speech
  • painful ear infections
  • sinus infections
  • feeling the need to clear our throat
  • frequent throat clearing
  • constant spitting of mucus
  • constant swallowing of mucus
  • losing our voice
  • coughing
  • frequent coughing
  • persistent cough
  • chronic coughing
  • night-time cough
  • having a cough or hack that gets worse in the evening
  • coughing that worsens when lying down
  • coughing that worsens first thing after waking up from a flat lying position
  • having sleep disturbances
  • difficulty and/or unable to fall asleep
  • difficulty and/or unable to stay asleep
  • difficulty and/or unable to get full REM sleep
  • needing to sleep upright
  • needing to sleep with our head elevated
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our nose, nasal cavity, nasal turbinates, nasal cilia, mucus, mouth, throat, tonsils, tongue, upper airways, upper respiratory tract, respiratory system, breathing, the smell of our breath, health, sleep, sleep patterns, our ability to have full REM sleep, and/or life to the kingdom of darkness, and the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over these aforementioned things
  • the category/kingdom of spirits that are located in the aforementioned body parts and/or body systems
  • the enemy sending witchcraft to attack our discernment
  • human agents of darkness sending witchcraft to attack our discernment
  • human agents of darkness sending us clouds of confusion
  • crying internally
  • feeling violated
  • avoiding our problems
  • feeling helpless
  • feeling sorry for ourselves
  • not allowing ourselves to feel certain emotions because they are supposedly wrong or bad to feel
  • lacking self-awareness
  • inability to tolerate people
  • inability to tolerate situations
  • feeling arrogant
  • feeling indecisive
  • feeling rejected
  • feeling sad
  • feeling sorrow
  • grief
  • the category/kingdom of spirits that cause, contribute to, exacerbate, and/or reestablish any of these aforementioned problems