Pedophilia, Hebephelia, Ephebophilia, and Age Play Deliverance Prayer


Courts of Heaven Prayer against Pedophilia, Hebephelia, Ephebophilia, and Age Play 

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Keys to receiving this prayer and using authority in it:

  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for struggles with Pedophilia, Hebephelia, Ephebophilia, and/or Age Play.
  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has been molested, raped, and/or sexually assaulted as a minor.
  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has any of the signs and symptoms of what was mentioned in this recording (listed under “court case”).
  • Pray in tongues while listening to prayer.
  • Follow up with communion


Deliverance is a lifestyle and NOT a one time event.



  • pedophilia
  • feeling sexually aroused to prepubescent children
  • hebephilia
  • feeling sexually aroused from pubescent children between ages 11-14 years old
  • ephebophilia
  • feeling sexually aroused from older adolescents around 15-19 years old
  • participating in “age play”
  • feeling sexually aroused from one or both partners pretending to be an age other than our actual ages
  • being sexually aroused from pretending and/or acting like a child
  • feeling sexually aroused from being called “baby”
  • feeling sexually aroused from being called “daddy”
  • being sexually aroused from wearing diapers, dressing like a baby, and/or acting like a baby
  • being a pedophile
  • being a hebephile
  • being a ephebophile
  • having sexual fantasies about children
  • having sexual fantasies about underage boys and/or girls
  • having sexual fantasies of pubescent children between ages 11-14 years old
  • having sexual fantasies of older adolescents around 15-19 years old
  • having sexual fantasies about ugly, older men raping, and/or having sex with young girls and/or boys, and the young girl and/or boy end up liking the rape and/or sex
  • having sexual fantasies about ugly, older women raping, and/or having sex with young
  • being attracted to females old enough to be our daughters and/or granddaughters
  • being attracted to males old enough to be our sons and/or grandsons
  • watching sexually explicit shows, movies, and/or porn that features anyone under the age or 19 years old
  • being an adult male who has sex with male children
  • being an adult male who has sex with female children
  • being an adult female who has sex with male children
  • being an adult female who has sex with female children
  • having sex with sex dolls that look like children
  • masturbating to underwear or undergarments that belong to someone under the age of 19 years old
  • being in a romantic and/or sexual relationship with someone underage
  • being attracted to someone who is underage
  • having parents, family members, family friends, babysitters, teachers, neighbors, pastors, Sunday school teachers, and/or any other people in our lives, who live with us, who live around us, who interact with us, and/or who have natural and/or spiritual authority over us who are pedophiles, hebephiles, ephebophiles, and/or who engage in age play
  • being “groomed” by pedophiles, hebephiles, ephebophiles, and/or people who participate in age play
  • being sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, and/or sexually abused by pedophiles, hebephiles, ephebophiles, and/or people who participate in age play
  • pedophiles, hebephiles, ephebophiles, and/or people who participate in age play normalizing their sexual harassment, assault, and/or abuse of us as normal
  • the category/kingdom of lust spirits and spirit spouses spirits