Latent and Active Tuberculosis Deliverance Prayer


Courts of Heaven Prayer against Latent and Active Tuberculosis

Digital Download

Keys to receiving this prayer and using authority in it:

  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has or had Latent or Active Tuberculosis.
  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has any of the signs and symptoms mentioned in this recording (listed under “court case”).
  • Pray in tongues while listening to prayer.
  • Follow up with communion


Deliverance is a lifestyle and NOT a one time event.



  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis
  • being at risk for having tuberculosis because we’ve been previously exposed to tuberculosis
  • being at risk for having tuberculosis because we travelled to a region and/or country where the incidence of tuberculosis is high
  • being at risk for having tuberculosis because we’re younger than 5 years old
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we drank unpasteurized milk that came from a cow that was infected with bovine tuberculosis
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we’re homeless
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we are of a low socioeconomic status
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we are a part of a minority group
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we are a part of a refugee group
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we have constant, frequent contact with an untreated and/or undiagnosed person
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we live in crowded areas-such as in long term care facilities, dorm rooms, prisons, mental health facilities, and/or crowded areas
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we work in a hospital, in jail, in a drug rehab center, and/or in a shelter
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we live in poor environmental and/or unsanitary conditions
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we’re older
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we are malnourished
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we have infections
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because have diabetes, kidney failure, and/or cancer
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we had surgery to remove part of our stomach
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we take medications that affect our immune system, such as steroids, to treat certain types of skin, joint, and/or gastrointestinal conditions
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we received an organ transplant
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we have immune dysfunction
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because our immune system gets weaker
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we have a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we have immunosuppression as a result of medication therapy
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we abuse alcohol
  • being at risk for getting infected with tuberculosis because we are intravenous (IV) drug users
  • being infected with any of the members of the tuberculosis species complex
  • being infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • being infected with Mycobacterium africanum
  • being infected with Mycobacterium microti
  • being infected with Mycobacterium Bovis
  • being infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis)
  • M. tuberculosis infecting our respiratory system-especially the upper lobes of our lungs
  • M. tuberculosis infecting our brain, intestines, peritoneum, kidneys, joints, and/or liver
  • being infected with microbes that mutate in the tubercle bacilli
  • being infected with microbes that are multidrug resistant strains of tuberculosis (MDRTB)
  • having tubercle lesions in our lungs
  • having dormant primary lesions in our lungs
  • having secondary infections from primary lesions that get reactivated when we get re-exposed to tuberculosis
  • tuberculosis causing necrosis and cavitation in the lesions in our lungs that lead to ruptures, and thus spreading necrotic tissue to the rest of our body and damaging our other body parts
  • M. tuberculosis entering our lymph nodes and causing an inflammatory response known as granulomatous inflammation
  • having bacilli Calmette Guerin vaccine (a vaccine that has attenuated tubercle bacilli that is used to increase resistance to tuberculosis) that causes us to test positive for a tuberculin skin test
  • transmitting tuberculosis to anyone and/or anything
  • transmitting tuberculosis via airborne and/or droplet infection
  • infecting others with tuberculosis
  • infecting others with tuberculosis by coughing, laughing, sneezing, talking, and/or singing
  • transmitting tuberculosis to our babies either before or during birth because we had active tuberculosis while we were pregnant
  • being contagious
  • getting infected with tuberculosis
  • inhaling tuberculosis bacteria via airborne and/or droplet transmission
  • getting infected with tuberculosis by inhaling tuberculosis bacteria droplets from someone infected tuberculosis
  • getting infected with tuberculosis
  • getting reinfected with tuberculosis
  • having acute tuberculosis
  • having chronic tuberculosis
  • having latent tuberculosis
  • having tuberculosis but being asymptomatic
  • having inactive, contained tubercle bacilli in our body
  • having active tuberculosis
  • fatigue
  • constant fatigue
  • malaise
  • irritability
  • weakness
  • lethargy
  • anorexia
  • loss of appetite
  • unintentional weight loss
  • poor feeding (in babies)
  • failure to thrive (in babies)
  • having a swollen liver and spleen (in babies)
  • fever
  • low grade fever (especially in the late afternoon)
  • chills
  • night sweats
  • tachycardia (an abnormally fast heartbeat)
  • persistent cough
  • chronic cough
  • coughing that lasts 3 or more weeks
  • having chest pain
  • experiencing pain with breathing and/or coughing
  • pleuritic chest pain
  • shortness of breath
  • difficulty breathing
  • significant nail clubbing
  • coughing up blood
  • having sputum that is streaked with blood
  • having mucoid and mucopurulent sputum
  • chest tightness that may or may not accompany our coughs
  • having increased white blood cell count (WBC) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
  • having dull, aching chest pain that may or may not accompany our coughs
  • having caseation and inflammation in our chest x ray
  • testing positive for a tuberculin skin test
  • having multinodular infiltrates with calcification in the upper lobes of our lungs
  • having caseation (a form of necrosis in which diseased tissue creates a cheese like substance) in our lungs
  • having localized caseum (necrotic material) in our lungs
  • having caseum (necrotic material) in our lungs that undergoes fibrosis
  • having caseum (necrotic material) in our lungs that forms cavities
  • having caseaus (necrotic material) debris in our lungs
  • having caseaus (necrotic material) debris in our tracheobronchial tree
  • having extrapulmonary tuberculosis
  • getting infected with tuberculosis in our larynx, lymph nodes, meninges, pleura, brain, kidneys, bones, and/or joints
  • having lymph node tuberculosis
  • having pleural tuberculosis
  • having TB meningitis
  • having miliary tuberculosis
  • having tuberculosis get carried to all parts of our body via our bloodstream
  • having drug resistant tuberculosis that is resistant to at least one first line TB drug
  • having drug resistant tuberculosis that is resistant to at least one second line TB drug
  • having drug resistant tuberculosis that is resistant to streptomycin, cycloserine, capreomycin, and/or amikacin
  • having multidrug resistant tuberculosis
  • having advanced tuberculosis
  • having dullness with percussion over the involved parenchymal areas of our lungs
  • having bronchial breath sounds
  • having rhonchi sounds
  • having crackle sounds in our lungs
  • our bronchus being partially obstructed by endobronchial diseases and/or compression by lymph nodes
  • wheezing
  • dyspnea (shortness of breath)
  • getting pleural effusion
  • fear
  • worry
  • stress
  • anxiety
  • nervousness
  • betrayal
  • grieving
  • lost
  • rejection
  • stubborn
  • stuck
  • unworthy
  • vulnerable
  • worried
  • sickness
  • infirmity
  • death
  • premature death
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our respiratory system, our lungs, our alveoli, our lymphatic system, our lymph nodes, our cell mediate immunity, our larynx, lymph nodes, meninges, pleura, brain, kidneys, bones, joints, genitourinary tract, our health, and/or our lives to the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over these aforementioned things
  • the category/kingdom of infirmity and/or death spirits that cause, contribute to, exacerbate, and/or reestablish any of these aforementioned problems