Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Deliverance Prayer


Courts of Heaven Prayer against Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

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Keys to receiving this prayer and using authority in it:

  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has any of the signs and symptoms mentioned in this recording (listed under “court case”).
  • Pray in tongues while listening to prayer.
  • Follow up with communion


Deliverance is a lifestyle and NOT a one time event.



  • having irritable bowel syndrome
  • having spastic colon
  • having irritable colon syndrome
  • having a diagnosis and/or prognosis that we have irritable bowel syndrome, spastic colon, irritable colon syndrome, and/or any of its signs and symptoms
  • having a false verdict and/or generational false verdict that we have irritable bowel syndrome, spastic colon, irritable colon syndrome, and/or any of its signs and symptoms
  • having a false verdict and/or generational false verdict that our irritable bowel syndrome, spastic colon, irritable colon syndrome, and/or any of its signs and symptoms can’t be cured
  • having a false verdict and/or generational false verdict that we have altered gastrointestinal microbiome
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our gastrointestinal microbiome to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over our gastrointestinal microbiome
  • having a false verdict and/or generational false verdict that we have a transient infection in our gastrointestinal system-especially in our intestines
  • having a false verdict and/or generational false verdict that we have altered endocrine metabolism and/or serotonin levels
  • having a false verdict and/or generational false verdict that we have neuronal plasticity
  • having a false verdict and/or generational false verdict that we have altered gastrointestinal motility
  • having a false verdict and/or generational false verdict that we have psychosocial abnormalities, motility abnormalities, sensory abnormalities (especially in the sensory neurons that innervate our intestines), and/or CNS processing abnormalities
  • having a false verdict and/or generational false verdict that we have altered mucosal immune function
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our mucosal immune function to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claim on our mucosal immune function
  • having a false verdict and/or generational false verdict that we have food hypersensitivity
  • having a false verdict and/or generational false verdict that we have visceral hypersensitivity with an exaggerated response to cholecystokinin and/or an altered response to meal indigestion
  • having a false verdict and/or generational false verdict that we need laxatives, antidiarrheals, antibiotics, and/or other medications
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our digestive enzymes, our ability to absorb food and nutrients into our body, and/or our ability to digest food to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over our digestive enzymes, our ability to absorb food and nutrients into our body, and/or our ability to digest food
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our salivary glands, amylase, and/or our ability to digest polysaccharides to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over our salivary glands, amylase, and/or our ability to digest polysaccharides
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our stomach, pepsin, and/or our ability to digest proteins to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over our stomach, pepsin, and/or our ability to digest proteins
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our pancreas, lipase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, nucleotidase, and/or our ability to digest lipids, and/or proteins to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over our pancreas, lipase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, nucleotidase, our ability to digest lipids, and/or proteins
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our brushborder, our peptidases, our nucleases, our lactase, our maltase, our sucrose, and/or our ability to digest proteins, dinucleotides, lactose, maltose, and/or sucrose to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over our brushborder, our peptidases, our nucleases, our lactase, our maltase, our sucrose, and/or our ability to digest proteins, dinucleotides, lactose, maltose, and/or sucrose
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our salivary amylase, pancreatic amylase, maltase, salivary glands, pancreas, small intestines, mouth, pepsin, trypsin, peptidases, gastric glands, stomach, nuclease, nucleosidases, lipase, aminopepsidase, carboxypepsidase, chymotrypsin, deoxyribonuclease, dipepsidase, elastase, enterokinase, gastric lipase, lactase, lingual dipase, protease 2.0, protease 4.5, protease 6, alphagalactosidase, malt diastase, cellulose, pectinase, phytase, hemicellulose, bromelain, betaglucanase, and/or the ability of these enzymes and/or body parts to digest our food to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over our  salivary amylase, pancreatic amylase, maltase, salivary glands, small intestines, mouth, pepsin, trypsin, peptidases, gastric glands, stomach, nuclease, nucleosidases, lipase, aminopepsidase, carboxypepsidase, chymotrypsin, deoxyribonuclease, dipepsidase, elastase, enterokinase, gastric lipase, lactase, lingual dipase, protease 2.0, protease 4.5, protease 6, alphagalactosidase, malt diastase, cellulose, pectinase, phytase, hemicellulose, bromelain, betaglucanase, and/or the ability of these enzymes and/or body parts to digest our food
  • having a false verdict and/or generational false verdict that we have bile acid malabsorption
  • having a false verdict and/or generational false verdict that we have increased mucosal permeability
  • having a false verdict and/or generational false verdict that we have genetic polymorphisms that cause, contribute to, and/or exacerbate our irritable bowel syndrome, spastic colon, irritable colon syndrome, and/or any of its signs and symptoms
  • having abdominal discomfort
  • having abdominal pain
  • having severe abdominal pain
  • having recurrent abdominal pain
  • chronic pain
  • no relief
  • no pain relief
  • no cure
  • no help
  • having difficulty and/or unable to get help
  • being covered in demonic veils, cloaks, masks, and/or walls so that others can’t notice that we need help
  • being unable to speak due to having intense pain
  • misery
  • chronic misery
  • suffering
  • chronic suffering
  • torment
  • physical torment
  • torture
  • physical torture
  • experiencing muscle pain
  • experiencing back pain
  • having chronic pelvic pain
  • experiencing chronic fatigue syndrome
  • having sleep disturbances
  • having posttraumatic stress disorder
  • having temporomandibular joint syndrome
  • having fibromyalgia
  • having cramping
  • having severe abdominal cramps
  • having severe abdominal cramps that gets worsened with our period
  • having bloating
  • nausea
  • heart burn
  • acid reflux
  • dyspepsia
  • having excess gas
  • passing excessive gas
  • burping
  • indigestion
  • feeling full
  • loss of appetite
  • having diarrhea
  • having constipation
  • having a false verdict and/or generational false verdict that we have an IBS subtype of IBS with constipation
  • having a false verdict and/or generational false verdict that we have an IBS subtype of IBS with diarrhea
  • having mixed bowel habits that alternate between constipation and diarrhea
  • experiencing a change in frequency of our bowel movements
  • experiencing a change in the rhythm of our bowel movements
  • having a sensation like we have incomplete bowel movements
  • having looser and/or more frequent stools
  • experiencing changes in the appearance of stools-including the texture and color
  • having difficulty and/or unable to empty our bowels
  • having the urgent need to defecate
  • having mucus in our stools
  • having abnormal muscle contractions in our intestines, large intestines, and/or sigmoid colon
  • having abdominal pain that is unrelieved until we pass gas and/or defecate
  • having severe abdominal pain to the point that we faint
  • having a vasovagal incident in which we faint from having severe abdominal pain
  • injuring ourselves because we fainted from our severe abdominal pain
  • having colicky pain
  • having colon pain
  • having abdominal distension
  • having upper abdominal pain
  • having lower abdominal pain
  • having lower abdominal pain that radiates upward
  • experiencing waves of pain
  • experiencing cycles of pain
  • experiencing pain that is worsened by food and/or stress
  • our food and/or drink fermenting in our intestines and causing excess gas, bloating, and/or abdominal pain
  • our IBS symptoms worsening whenever we have our period
  • having an imbalanced gut flora/microflora in our gastrointestinal tract
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our bifido bacteria, E. coli, lactobacilli, gut flora/microflora, the balance of our gut flora/microflora, and/or our gut symbiosis to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims on our bifido bacteria, E. coli, lactobacilli, gut flora/microflora, the balance of our gut flora/microflora, and/or our gut symbiosis
  • our IBS symptoms get worsened with dairy, fried foods, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, sugar, alcohol, chocolate, beans and legumes, gluten, and/or high fructose corn syrup
  • having difficulty digesting, unable to digest, and/or being hypersensitive to dairy, fried foods, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, sugar, alcohol, chocolate, beans and legumes, gluten, and/or high fructose corn syrup
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our ability to digest dairy, fried foods, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, sugar, alcohol, chocolate, beans and legumes, gluten, and/or high fructose corn syrup
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over our ability to digest dairy, fried foods, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, sugar, alcohol, chocolate, beans and legumes, gluten, and/or high fructose corn syrup
  • our IBS symptoms get worsened with ultra-processed foods including but not limited to sodas, cakes, bread, and/or frozen meals
  • having difficulty digesting, unable to digest, and/or being hypersensitive to ultra-processed foods including but not limited to sodas, cakes, bread, and/or frozen meals
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our ability to digest ultra-processed foods including but not limited to sodas, cakes, bread, and/or frozen meals to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over our ability to digest ultra-processed foods including but not limited to sodas, cakes, bread, and/or frozen meals
  • our IBS symptoms get worsened with food additives including but not limited to emulsifiers, colors, and/or preservatives
  • having difficulty digesting, unable to digest, and/or being hypersensitive to food additives including but not limited to emulsifiers, colors, and/or preservatives
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our ability to digest food additives including but not limited to emulsifiers, colors, and preservatives to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over our ability to digest food additives including but not limited to emulsifiers, colors, and/or preservatives
  • our IBS symptoms get worsened with fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FOMAP diet)
  • having difficulty digesting, unable to digest, and/or being hypersensitive to fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FOMAP diet)
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our ability to digest fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FOMAP diet) to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims on our ability to digest fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FOMAP diet) to the kingdom of darkness
  • our IBS symptoms get worsened with lactose, gluten, fast food, alcohol, fructose, fructans, GOS, and/or Polyols
  • having difficulty digesting, unable to digest, and/or being hypersensitive to lactose, gluten, fast food, alcohol, fructose, fructans, GOS, and/or Polyols
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our ability to digest lactose, gluten, fast food, alcohol, fructose, fructans, GOS, and/or Polyols to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims on our ability to digest lactose, gluten, fast food, alcohol, fructose, fructans, GOS, and/or Polyols
  • having abnormal intestinal secretions
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our intestinal secretions to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims on our intestinal secretions
  • having dysmotility
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our gastrointestinal motility to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over our gastrointestinal motility
  • having visceral hypersensitivity
  • having endocrine cell densities
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our endocrine cells to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over our endocrine cells
  • having altered endocrine metabolism and/or serotonin levels
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our endocrine metabolism and/or serotonin levels to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over our endocrine metabolism and/or serotonin levels
  • having abnormal differentiations of progeny of our stem cells-especially the cells that make up our gastrointestinal tract and the nerves innervating our gastrointestinal tract
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our stem cells, especially the cells that make up our gastrointestinal tract and the nerves innervating our gastrointestinal tract, to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over our stem cells, especially the cells that make up our gastrointestinal tract and the nerves innervating our gastrointestinal tract
  • having abnormal clonogenic activity of our stem cells-especially the cells that make up our gastrointestinal tract and the nerves innervating our gastrointestinal tract
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our large intestines, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, and/or cilia to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims on our large intestines, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, and/or cilia
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of the nerves that are innervating our large intestines, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and/or sigmoid colon to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims on the nerves that are innervating our large intestines, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon
  • the false verdict, and/or generational false verdict that we have an imbalance of our neurotransmitters-especially those that innervate our intestinal tract
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our neurotransmitters, especially those that innervate our intestinal tract, to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over our neurotransmitters-especially those that innervate our intestinal tract
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our intrinsic neurons of the enteric nervous system (ENS), the axons of extrinsic sympathetic, parasympathetic, and visceral afferent neurons, the vagus nerve, vagal pathways, and/or spinal pathways to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims over our intrinsic neurons of the enteric nervous system (ENS), the axons of extrinsic sympathetic, parasympathetic, and visceral afferent neurons, the vagus nerve, vagal pathways, and/or spinal pathways
  • the buying, selling, and/or trading of our bowel movements, peristalsis, and muscle contractions of our large intestines, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and/or sigmoid colon to the kingdom of darkness
  • the kingdom of darkness having ownership claims on our bowel movements, peristalsis, and muscle contractions of our large intestines, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and/or sigmoid colon
  • being at risk for IBS because we’re female
  • fear
  • fear of experiencing abdominal pain
  • fear of fainting from having severe abdominal pain
  • anxiety
  • having gastrointestinal specific anxiety
  • depression
  • insecurity
  • stress
  • worry
  • nervousness
  • panic
  • trouble sleeping
  • fatigue
  • headaches
  • muscle aches-especially in the lower back
  • having unpleasant taste in our mouth
  • having body image issues
  • having heart palpitations
  • having frequent or the urgent need to urinate
  • frequent urination
  • having interstitial cystitis
  • having sexual problems-including having a reduced sexual desire
  • experiencing painful sexual intercourse
  • having obsessive compulsive traits
  • having sicca syndrome
  • having a “lump” or “closing” of our throat
  • having swallowing difficulties
  • having chest pain
  • our bloodlines participating in festivals, ceremonies, and/or rituals in which we offered impure, animal waste to God (Malachi 2: 3)
  • our bloodlines participating in festivals, ceremonies, and/or rituals in which we dedicated our digestive system to the kingdom of darkness
  • our bloodlines participating in festivals, ceremonies, and/or rituals in which we had anal sex
  • our bloodlines making oaths in the 2nd degree of Freemasonry to allow our vitals to be torn out, thrown over the left shoulder, and to be carried into the Valley of Jehoshaphat to become prey to the wild beasts and the birds of the air
    having the false verdict and/or generational false verdict to have our vitals to be torn out, thrown over the left shoulder, and to be carried into the Valley of Jehoshaphat to become prey to the wild beasts and the birds of the air
  • our bloodlines making oaths in the 3rd degree of Freemasonry to have our body be severed into two and divided between the north and south
  • having the false verdict and/or generational false verdict to have our body be severed into two and divided between the north and south
  • our bloodlines making oaths in the 3rd degree of Freemasonry to have our bowels be burned to ashes and the ashes be scattered between the four corners of heaven so that there’s not the least trace
  • having the false verdict and/or generational false verdict to have our bowels be burned to ashes and the ashes be scattered between the four corners of heaven so that there’s not the least trace
  • having the false verdict and/or generational false verdict to have stomach, abdominal, and/or intestinal problems
  • our bloodlines making oaths in the 6th degree of Freemasonry to have our vitals torn out from us and exposed to rot on a dunghill
  • having the false verdict and/or generational false verdict to have abdominal problems
  • our bloodlines making oaths in the 8th degree of Freemasonry to have our body cut in two and to have our bowels exposed
  • having the false verdict and/or generational false verdict to have digestive and/or abdominal problems that we’d need a sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, and/or some kind of test to view our intestines
  • our bloodlines making oaths in the 13th degree of Freemasonry to have our bodies be chopped into quarters and thrown into the garbage of the temple
  • having the false verdict and/or generational false verdict to have our bodies be chopped into quarters and thrown into the garbage of the temple
  • our bloodlines making oaths in the 14th degree of Freemasonry to have our body opened and our intestines removed as food for the vultures
  • having the false verdict and/or generational false verdict to have our body opened and our intestines removed as food for the vultures
  • having the false verdict and/or generational false verdict to have stomach and bowel diseases
  • our bloodlines making oaths in the 18th degree of Freemasonry to be nourished daily only to prolong and preserve our miserable existence
  • having the false verdict and/or generational false verdict to be nourished daily only to prolong and preserve our miserable existence
  • having the false verdict and/or generational false verdict to have sickness, pain, digestion problems, and/or prolonged misery and suffering
  • our bloodlines making oaths in the 24th degree of Freemasonry to be stoned to death and for our bodies to remain unburied as it rots
  • having the false verdict and/or generational false verdict to be stoned to death and for our bodies to remain unburied as it rots
  • having the false verdict and/or generational false verdict to have unexplained body pains
  • our bloodlines making oaths in the 33rd degree of Freemasonry to have the communion wine that we drank in Freemasonry to become deadly poison to us
  • having the false verdict and/or generational false verdict to have the communion wine that we drank in Freemasonry to become deadly poison to us
  • having the false verdict and/or generational false verdict to have toxins in our bodies
  • having the false verdict and/or generational false verdict to have candida overgrowth in our gut, and/or leaky gut syndrome
  • having the false verdict and/or generational false verdict to be poisoned and/or to be hypersensitive to the toxins in our food and/or drink
  • having impaling objects, shards, pins, and/or needles in our abdomen in the spirit realm
  • having snakes, snake eggs, worms, and/or maggots in our abdomen in the spirit realm
  • the category/kingdom of spirits that occupy our amygdala, brain stem, cerebrum, cerebellum, dentate gyrus, body of fornix, hippocampus, mammillary body, olfactory bulb, septal nuclei, thalamus, and/or uncus especially those that cause, contribute to, and/or exacerbate any of these aforementioned problems
  • the category/kingdom of spirits that cause, contribute to, and/or exacerbate irritable bowel syndrome, any of its signs and symptoms, and/or any of its complications