Influenza (the flu) Deliverance Prayer


Courts of Heaven Prayer against Influenza (the flu): Digital Download


The COH Deliverance Prayers are a powerful resource, especially when paired with Soul Deliverance. We encourage you to join a Group Soul Deliverance session or enroll in one of our transformative courses. These steps will help you strengthen your authority and achieve victory over demonic attacks.

Keys to receiving this prayer and using authority in it:

  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has Influenza (the flu).
  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has any of the signs and symptoms mentioned in this recording (listed under “court case”).
  • Pray in tongues while listening to prayer.
  • Follow up with communion


Deliverance is a lifestyle and NOT a one time event.



  • having influenza (the flu)
  • having a highly contagious acute viral respiratory infection
  • being infected with type A, B, and/or C viruses in our respiratory system
  • being prone to having influenza because we’re older than 65 years old
  • being prone to having influenza because we have asthma
  • being prone to having influenza because we have diabetes
  • being prone to having influenza because we have heart disease
  • being prone to having influenza because we’re pregnant
  • being prone to having influenza because we’re younger than 5 years old
  • being prone to having influenza because we’re immunocompromised
  • being prone to having influenza because we have chronic illnesses
  • being prone to having influenza because we live in close proximity with those who have influenza
  • being infected with someone who has influenza
  • being infected with influenza because we didn’t properly follow health and safety protocols, and/or proper hand hygiene protocols
  • being infected with influenza because we’re exposed to viruses in contaminated surfaces, secretions, and/or environments
  • being infected with avian influenza (H5N1)
  • being infected with influenza because we didn’t properly cook poultry products
  • being infected with influenza because we didn’t avoid contact with wild animals
  • being infected with influenza because we didn’t frequently and properly wash our hands
  • being infected with influenza because we didn’t properly clean and disinfect surfaces that have become contaminated with secretions
  • being infected with swine (H 1N1) influenza (swine flu)
  • being infected with a strain of flu that consist of genetic materials from swine, avian, and human influenza viruses
  • being infected with seasonal flu viruses
  • being infected with flu viruses that mutate
  • being infected with any strain and/or mutation of the influenza virus
  • being infected with flu viruses that is resistant to treatment
  • being infected with flu viruses that is resistant to prayer
  • fevers
  • having a high fever
  • fever above 104F (40C)
  • chills
  • coughing
  • severe coughing
  • chest discomfort
  • shortness of breath
  • difficulty breathing
  • fatigue
  • tiredness
  • malaise
  • physical exhaustion
  • sore throat
  • runny nose
  • sneezing
  • stuffy nose
  • muscle pain
  • body aches
  • headaches
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • fluid imbalance
  • dehydration
  • electrolyte imbalance
  • change in or a loss of taste
  • change in or a loss of smell
  • having the flu for days
  • having the flu for weeks
  • our flu developing complications-such as pneumonia
  • our flu developing life threatening complications
  • our flu developing into sinus infections
  • our flu developing into ear infections
  • being coinfected with the flu virus and bacteria
  • our flu developing into myocarditis
  • our flu developing into encephalitis
  • our flu developing into myositis
  • our flu developing into rhabdomyolysis
  • our flu developing into multi organ failure
  • our flu developing into respiratory failure
  • our flu developing into kidney failure
  • our flu developing into sepsis
  • experiencing asthma attacks while we also have the flu
  • our flu worsening any chronic heart diseases that we have
  • fast breathing
  • having trouble breathing
  • having pale, gray, and/or blue colored skin, lips, or nail beds
  • our ribs pulling in with each breath
  • chest pain
  • severe muscle pain
  • dehydration
  • not urination within 8 hours
  • having dry mouth
  • not having any tears to cry
  • not alert or interacting when awake
  • seizures
  • our flu worsening
  • our flu returning
  • difficulty breathing
  • shortness of breath
  • severe weakness
  • unsteadiness
  • having a fever and/or cough that improves but then returns and/or worsens
  • having worsening chronic medical conditions
  • our influenza being rooted in us feeling fearful, guilty, trapped, violated, and/or unnurtured
  • human agents of darkness sending infirmity and sickness spells against us
  • the category/kingdom of spirits that cause, contribute to, and/or exacerbate the aforementioned problems