- rejection
- rejection by Christian brothers
- rejection by Christian sisters
- rejection by Christian pastors
- rejection of deliverance
- lake Hamilton bible camp
- rejection by husband
- rejection by wife
- rejection by mother
- rejection by father
- rejection by children
- rejection between deliverance workers
- rejection between deliverance pastors
- rejection in womb
- rejection of self
- rejection of others
- hurts
- deep hurt
- deep hurts by Christians
- touch me not
- inability to give or receive love
- conception in lust
- false doctrine
- hearsay
- false preachers
- false teachers
- false evangelists
- false prophets
- false apostles
- false tongues
- demonic tongues
- false interpretation of tongues
- false prophecy
- false interpretation of prophecy
- false interpretation
- demonic gifts
- false religions
- religious cults
- eastern religions
- false love
- sweetness
- sentimentality
- false prosperity
- love of money
- think and grow rich
- money by faith
- false positive thinking
- metaphysical faith
- soulish faith
- false charismatic movement
- false partial gospel
- false shaking
- false quaking
- crying
- putting on a show
- false cooperating
- false discipleship
- charismatic witchcraft
- charismatic witches
- charismatic warlocks
- domination
- control
- manipulation
- dictatorial
- mind control
- mind blanking
- mind blocking
- mind binding
- mind confusion
- witchcraft
- occult
- antichrist
- familiar spirits
- divination
- jezebel
- ahab
- passivity
- destruction of family priesthood
- lukewarmness
- commanding angels for riches
- imaging
- visualization
- greed
- covetousness
- mammon
- financial poverty of workers
- financial poverty of pastors
- financial poverty of churches
- financial poverty of camps
- a different gospel
- another Jesus
- counterfeit Jesus
- counterfeit Father God
- counterfeit Holy Spirit
- counterfeit archangel Michael
- apostate
- apostate religion
- almost fooling the very elect
- error
- spirit of error
- spirit of the world
- aborted spirit
- ruler demons over workers
- ruler demons over pastors
- ruler demons over families
- ruler demons over churches
- ruler demons over camps
- evil soul ties
- curses from control
- despondency
- despair
- defeat
- hopelessness
- morbidity
- strife
- contention
- bickering
- quarreling among brethren
- inability to work with other Christians
- denominational spirits
- separation
- infighting
- spiritual pride
- ego
- vanity
- preeminence
- haughtiness
- self-idolatry
- we are gods
- worship of man
- fear of man
- Mormonism
- Jehovah’s witness
- bloodless religions
- Catholicism
- occult
- masonry
- religious demons
- evil eye
- third eye
- masonic eye
- all seeing eye
- Christian fantasy
- falseness
- false love
- playacting
- theatrics
- affectation
- pretension
- hypocrisy
- lying
- deceit
- deception
- delusion
- compromise
- practicing Christianity and witchcraft at the same time
- idolatry
- rebellion
- having human agents of darkness operating within our churches, bible study groups, ministry, ministry groups, deliverance groups, businesses, workplaces, schools, and/or other locations where we’re at
- having human agents of darkness spying on, gang stalking, targeting, attacking, sending witchcraft to, sending demons to, astral projecting, and/or infiltrating within our churches, bible study groups, ministry, ministry groups, deliverance groups, businesses, workplaces, schools, and/or other locations where we’re at
- having undercover human agents of darkness be our friends
- having undercover human agents of darkness work in our church administration
- being sabotaged by undercover human agents of darkness pretending to be Christians
- receiving cursed items and/or gifts from undercover human agents of darkness pretending to be Christians
- fighting, arguments, strife, and/or disputes among Christians, pastors, deliverance workers, ministries, and/or churches
- fighting our Christian allies
- fighting our Christian brothers and sisters in Christ
- having people disguise their witchcraft as prayers
- people praying for evil things to happen to us
- people praying to control, manipulate, dominate, intimidate, and/or override our free will and/or destiny
- people praying that we don’t fulfill our destiny
- people praying prayers that steer us away from our God given destinies
- people praying prayers that steer us away from being married to our God destined spouse
- wishcraft
- people wishing evil against us
- people saying that they hope we die or that God will punish us
- people placing word curses against us
- people claiming that God told them to that we’re their God destined spouse when they’re really just trying to manipulate us and/or because they’re deceived and not really hearing from God
- people claiming that God told them something that was not actually from God
- people claiming that God told them something, and it involves us obeying them, doing something for them, or giving something to them, and it wasn’t actually from God and they’re just trying to do witchcraft on us, deceive us, and/or manipulate us
- people not testing the spirits when they communicate with God to check if it’s actually God whom they’re talking to
- people lacking spiritual discernment to be able to discern what powers are operating under God’s powers and what are not
- people lacking spiritual discernment to be able to discern if God is talking to them or if it’s something else talking to them
- the category/kingdom of witchcraft spirits and all spirits that cause, contribute to, and/or exacerbate all of the aforementioned problems