Witchcraft Bounties and Spells Targeting Us (Protection from Gangstalking) Deliverance Prayer


Courts of Heaven Prayer against Witchcraft Bounties and Spells Targeting Us (Protection from Gangstalking)

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Keys to receiving this prayer and using authority in it:

  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for has experienced or is experiencing gang stalking.
  • Listen to this prayer if you or someone whom you’re interceding for is being targeted by witches, warlocks, and/or human agents of darkness.
  • Listen to this prayer if there’s an evil bounty against you. You’ll sense that there’s an evil bounty against you if…
    • if you seem to experience a lot of negative patterns and cycles in your life
    • if you seem to experience a lot of  “bad luck”
    • if you experience situations that go from bad to worse
    • if you get into a lot of accidents
    • if you get into freak accidents
    • if your relationships (ex. family relationships, friendships, romantic relationships, business relationships) just suddenly stop or can’t seem to improve.
    • if you get nightmares
    • if you get sleep paralysis
    • if you are having financial difficulties (assuming that you’re doing all that you can to prevent these financial problems)
  • Pray in tongues while listening to prayer.
  • Follow up with communion


Deliverance is a lifestyle and NOT a one time event.



  • records of all of the ungodly bounties and hit lists targeting group A
  • records of all of the ungodly bounties and hit lists targeting group A’s homes, workplaces, businesses, schools, places of worship, churches, ministries, communities, facilities, institutions, and groups that we’re affiliated and connected with, and over any places that we’ve ever gone to, are going to, and/or will ever go to
  • records of all of the ungodly bounties and hit lists targeting the roads, vehicles, trains, ships, airplanes, and mediums that group A has ever used, are using, and/or will ever use
  • all ungodly bonds (witchcraft spells) in all 4 pages of group A’s personal bond registry
  • all ungodly bonds (witchcraft spells) over our homes, workplaces, businesses, schools, places of worship, churches, ministries, and over any places that we’ve ever gone to, are going to, and/or will ever go to
  • placing bounties against covens and human agents of darkness
  • placing permanent gag orders against the enemy
  • restoring heavenly pathways
  • removing all demonic recording devices and demonic trackers
  • reversing all wave and frequency based attacks