Spiritually Cleanse Locations Prayer


Prayer to spiritually cleanse locations.

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Keys to receiving this prayer and using authority in it:

  • Listen to this prayer BEFORE and AFTER going to a conference, a deliverance session, or a place that is spiritually dark/evil (ex. witchcraft is being done in that city, region, state, or country).
  • Listen to this prayer BEFORE going to sleep.
  • Listen to this prayer when you wake up.
  • Listen to this prayer when you stay at a hostel, motel, hotel, in someone else’s home, and/or in a new location to spiritually cleanse the atmosphere of any evil spirits.
  • Listen to this prayer if you are an empath, and the spiritual environment feels dark, negative, and/or oppressive.
  • Listen to this prayer when you travel to ANY location (including your home, work, school, church, park, or even places that you frequent) to spiritually cleanse the environment of any evil spirits.
  • Pray in tongues while listening to prayer.
  • Follow up with communion


Deliverance is a lifestyle and NOT a one time event.


This is a prayer that commissions God’s heavenly angels to spiritually cleanse the places and destinations that you are coming to and from, and to ensure your protection and safety from accidents, and spiritual and witchcraft attacks.