- slavery
- being enslaved
- being a gladiator because we’re slaves
- being a concubine
- being a part of a harem
- being a slave that works in a harem
- being a slave who is a concubine in a harem
- a human being owned by another human being
- a human being with an owner and/or multiple owners
- being a house slave
- being a field slave
- being a sex slave
- being a slave to sin
- being a slave to money
- being a slave to drugs
- being a slave to alcohol
- being a slave to cigarettes
- being a slave to marijuana
- being in a gang and/or mafia
- being enslaved to a gang and/or mafia
- being hypnotized into being a slave
- obeying whatever we’re told to do
- being submissive
- being easily manipulated
- being easily controlled
- being easily subverted
- buying slaves
- owning slaves
- having slaves
- trading slaves
- having jailors
- being treated like a slave
- having slave masters
- being a slave master
- imprisonment
- incarceration
- being imprisoned
- kidnapping
- being kidnapped
- human trafficking
- being human trafficked
- being coerced, forced, pressured, beaten, threatened, manipulated, and/or tricked into doing something that we don’t want to do
- being coerced, forced, pressured, beaten, threatened, manipulated, and/or tricked into prostitution against our will
- being coerced, forced, pressured, beaten, threatened, manipulated, and/or tricked into labor and/or services against our will
- being a bonded laborer
- being a bondsman
- being a bondswoman
- being in debt bondage
- being in bondage because we’re paying off our debt and/or an ancestor’s debt
- borrowing money and being coerced, forced, pressured, beaten, threatened, manipulated, and/or tricked into doing work that is against our will in order to pay off our debt and/or our family debts
- not having control of our work conditions
- not having control of our employment conditions
- descent-based slavery
- our slave status being passed down the maternal and/or paternal line
- being born a slave
- being an untouchable
- being a part of a social hierarchy system
- being a part of a social hierarchy system and being considered as part of the slave class and/or lower class
- being forced to work for free to pay off a debt
- treating human beings as property
- being treated as a property
- being the property of our husbands
- owning our wives
- treating our wives like we own them
- treating our husbands like we own them
- treating our children like we own them
- treating any human being like we own them
- forced criminality
- forced marriage
- being a child slave
- owning a child slave
- child trafficking
- being a child soldier
- being married to a child
- being a child bride
- being a child who is married to an adult
- child marriage
- child domestic slavery
- working as a child
- doing hard labor as a child
- forced child labor
- forced marriage
- early marriage
- being married against our will and we cannot leave
- forced organ removal
- exploitation
- being exploited
- getting pimped out
- being used
- being abused
- hard labor
- long labor
- being treated like the “work horse”
- being the family “sacrifice”
- being a satanically ritually abused slave
- being an illuminati slave
- being a new world order slave
- being a mind control slave
- being enslaved via hypnotism
- being a puppet
- being a programmer
- being a handler
- being an owner
- being an occult loyal slave
- being dependent on the occult
- being dependent on our owners, handlers, abusers, programmers, and/or perpetrators
- being a slave to our covens
- being loyal to our covens
- being a slave to satan
- being loyal to satan
- being a bride of satan
- being loyal to the occult
- having personal, ancestral, spirit fragments, and/or alters who are slaves
- having personal, ancestral, spirit fragments, and/or alters who are occult loyal
- having personal, ancestral, spirit fragments, and/or alters who are loyal to their owners, handlers, programmers, abusers, and/or perpetrators
- being a slave to pharaoh
- being a slave to emperors
- being a slave to the Pope
- being a slave to the Catholic Church
- being a slave to money
- being a slave to our job
- being a slave to our spouse
- being a slave to our mother and/or mother figures
- being a slave to our father and/or father figures
- being a slave to our siblings and/or cousins
- being a slave to our friends
- being a slave to the school and/or education systems
- being a slave to the healthcare system
- being a slave to our spirit spouses
- being a slave to our spirit children
- being a slave to our owners, handlers, programmers, abusers, and/or perpetrators
- being a slave to our gangs and/or mafia groups
- being a slave to Ra
- being a slave to Baal
- being a slave to sun gods
- being a slave to moon gods
- being a slave to stars
- being a slave to planets
- the category/kingdom of slavery, bondage, oppression, pharaoh, Ra, and slave master spirits