- sabotage
- failure
- automatic failure mechanisms
- fighting
- strife
- contention
- disunity
- accusations
- arguments
- disappointments
- disaster
- calamity
- chaos
- malevolence
- malice
- destruction
- synchronized destruction
- unsuccessful
- disgrace
- holes in the pockets
- confusion
- death
- premature death
- car accidents
- infirmity
- sickness
- disease
- fatigue
- sleepiness
- traps
- set-backs
- delay
- lateness
- stagnation
- procrastination
- distraction
- harassment
- hassles
- extra work
- overworked
- overwhelmed
- overburdened
- hatred
- torment
- mental torment
- physical torment
- emotional torment
- psychological/mental torment
- verbal torment
- sexual torment
- financial torment
- sleep paralysis
- dream attacks
- nightmares
- night terrors
- astral projection
- astral projection in dreams
- the category/kingdom of sabotage spirits